Monday, September 22, 2008

Wall St, Worldwide Jackals & Vultures Smell Blood on Wounded USSA; Circling for the Kill

Monday, Sep 22, 2008
My $.02 -: No, I didn't mistype the headline, I spelled it like it now is; the United Socialist States of America (USSA). As you read below, the jackals & vultures are looking to make a killing from the gov't bailout. The victims are you & I, taxpayer or not, every American citizen. Washington is poised to open our Treasury coffers, and every greedy, self-serving financial jackal & vulture are looking to tear out as much flesh as they can carry. They haven't learned a thing...
I implore you, beg you to raise your voice against this bailout action. Contact your Senators & Representatives NOW. If this bailout becomes law, we will have sealed America's
doom as a viable democratic Republic.
Let me explain what the future holds if our gov't continues this course: The bailout will fail. Our nation will be so deep in debt to foreign entities (China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Europe, Russia, et al; National Investment funds, banks) that we cannot make repayments, and they will own our government and our entire financial & economic structures.
The dollar will be worthless, more so that it is already. We will default & collapse, and Europe will be our "savior", so to speak. America will become a vassal state of the European
Union. Socialism will be the rule, even under a semi-democratic guise. Our lives will be directly dictated to, & controlled by, foreign leaders. Sure, we'll have representation, but in
no position of influence. We'll just nod our heads yes to whatever they demand. Your home, your job, even your actions will no longer be yours, only your thoughts.
America has never been so vulnerable, we have exposed our weaknesses; our God-lessness,
our greed, our material lust, our lack of principle, character, honesty & integrity. I warned
that this was coming; not by my might, nor by my power, but by His Spirit.
The Lord God said, "Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees."Isaiah 21:6. I've been declaring, but who is listening & heeding?
Whether or not you take me seriously, or chuckle at my lunacy, the "handwriting is on the wall". Think, the recent hurricane Ike victims in Galveston
now wished they had listened & taken to higher ground. Never mind the 400+ people unaccounted for, most likely carried out to sea...

Foreign Banks Hope Bailout Will Be Global

PARIS — The financial crisis that began in the United States spread to many corners of the globe. Now, the American bailout looks as if it is going global, too, a move that could raise its cost and intensify scrutiny by Congress and critics.

Foreign banks, which were initially excluded from the plan, lobbied successfully over the weekend to be able to sell the toxic American mortgage debt owned by their American units to the Treasury, getting the same treatment as United States banks.

On Sunday, the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., indicated in a series of appearances on morning talk shows that an original proposal introduced on Saturday had been widened. “It’s a distinction without a difference whether it’s a foreign or a U.S. one,” he said in an interview with Fox News.

The prospect of being locked out of the bailout set off alarm bells among chief executives of overseas banks whose American affiliates also hold distressed mortgage-related assets, like Barclays and UBS. The original text provided access to the $700 billion bailout for any financial institution based in the United States.

As the day wore on, some raised their concerns with the Treasury Department, arguing that foreign institutions were both big employers and major players in the American capital markets. By Saturday evening, the language had been changed to allow any financial institution “having significant operations” in the United States.

While Mr. Paulson has agreed with that argument, the Bush administration is also leaning on foreign governments to pitch in with bailout programs of their own as needed. “We have a global financial system and we are talking very aggressively with other countries around the world, and encouraging them to do similar things, and I believe a number of them will,” Mr. Paulson said on Sunday.

The request is expected to be discussed during a conference call among Group of 7 finance ministries scheduled for Sunday evening, a European official said.

Allowing foreign banks to participate in the federal rescue package has not yet drawn widespread scrutiny in Congress, where a number of lawmakers, including Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut, have acknowledged that millions of American citizens do business with UBS, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and many other foreign-based banks in the United States.

But a number of lawmakers are wary that such an extension may worsen what could ultimately turn out to be a trillion-dollar bailout for Wall Street.

“I’m skeptical of the bailout, the whole bill is only a couple of pages long,” said Representative Scott Garrett, Republican of New Jersey, who is a member of the House Financial Services Committee. As for the participation of foreign banks, Mr. Garrett said: “I have a concern with it, they probably should be treated differently, but Congress is really not getting any say.”

Christopher Whalen, a managing partner at Institutional Risk Analytics, said that Mr. Paulson needed to justify why a wider bailout was in the national interest.

“Can you imagine the Congress floating a bailout for Deutsche Bank or UBS? It is the responsibility of the German or Swiss government,” he said. “We shouldn’t be bailing them out.”

While politicians in the United States may emphasize the benefits for banks based overseas, the definition of what is a European or American bank has blurred in recent years with the growth of global giants like HSBC, Barclays and Deutsche Bank.

Deutsche Bank, for example, became a major player in the United States with its acquisition of Bankers Trust in 2001. It has written down more than $11 billion in investments linked to the subprime crisis.

Barclays, meanwhile, is on course to buy a significant portion of the North American operations of Lehman Brothers, the 158-year-old firm that filed for bankruptcy protection last week, helping to set off the global financial panic that forced Washington to act.

Gaining access to the relief was a top priority for European foreign financial institutions with banking operations in the United States, according to officials in industry and government.

They argued that the reputation of Wall Street and the United States government would suffer immensely if properly licensed foreign banks in the United States were shut out of the system.

“Who would open a bank again in the United States?” asked one executive of a major European bank who has been following the discussions.

At the same time, it was unclear how much European governments would bow to the Treasury Department’s encouragement to set up national programs to deal with their own vast mortgage problems. Real estate markets in Britain, Spain and Ireland have been particularly hard-hit as their own housing market bubbles — which grew in tandem with America’s — have collapsed.

Other governments have struggled to get budget deficits under control in the last few years. The German government, for example, has discouraged talk of a stimulus package, and British officials said Sunday that they were not working on a plan like that of the United States.

Robert Kelly, chief executive of the Bank of New York Mellon, said the central bankers around the world would probably be scrutinizing the American bailout proposal. “I would expect every finance minister is looking closely at what is happening in the United States, trying to hypothesize what the impact will be, and is thinking about the tools the Fed and Treasury have used,” he said. “I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well.”

If the plan is approved in Congress and is signed into law, the benefits would be large for European banks with licensed operations in the United States, which incurred major losses from mortgage-linked securities.

UBS, the Swiss giant, has been among the hardest-hit institutions in the world; both its chairman and chief executive left amid more than $40 billion in write-downs. Even so, it still retains roughly $20 billion more in potential exposure to the troubled American housing market.

If a battle does develop in Congress over foreign participation, UBS, among others, is poised to make just these arguments. Officials at the Zurich-based giant point out the bank employs more than 30,000 Americans, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and owns two broker-dealers registered under United States laws, UBS Securities and UBS Financial Services, better known to Americans as the former Paine Webber unit.

“These are Americans who work in New York,” said one executive who requested anonymity because the American plan was still in development. “And they are working for a bank that was incorporated in the United States.” One senior Wall Street executive said he believed that the proposal would apply to other institutions with regulated American entities. Credit Suisse, for example, includes the old First Boston Corporation, though that name was dropped years ago. He said the biggest issue being debated was what securities would be included in the proposal, and how the actual mechanism to buy them would work.

In Asia, the plan to purchase distressed assets drew little reaction over the weekend. Asian banks generally have not invested significant assets in American mortgage-backed securities.

The bigger question in Asia, bankers said, lies in how the American legislation will affect HSBC, the large British-based bank with significant operations in Asia. The bank’s American subsidiary was a large buyer of mortgages over the last decade, and kept many of these mortgages on its books instead of trying to repackage and resell them as mortgage-backed securities.

Richard Lindsay, a spokesman for HSBC, said that senior management was still evaluating the situation and said it was a “positive step forward but it won’t solve the problems of an overleveraged industry.”

Eric Dash contributed reporting from New York, Keith Bradsher from Hong Kong and Julia Werdigier from London.

Big Financiers Start Lobbying for Wider Aid

This article was reported by Jenny Anderson, Vikas Bajaj and Leslie Wayne, and written by Mr. Bajaj.

Even as policy makers worked on details of a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, Wall Street began looking for ways to profit from it.

Financial firms were lobbying to have all manner of troubled investments covered, not just those related to mortgages.

At the same time, investment firms were jockeying to oversee all the assets that Treasury plans to take off the books of financial institutions, a role that could earn them hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fees.

Nobody wants to be left out of Treasury’s proposal to buy up bad assets of financial institutions.

“The definition of Financial Institution should be as broad as possible,” the Financial Services Roundtable, which represents big financial services companies, wrote in an e-mail message to members on Sunday.

The group said a wide variety of institutions as varied as mortgage lenders and insurance companies should be able to take advantage of the bailout, and that these companies should be able to sell off any investments linked to mortgages.

The scope of the bailout grew over the weekend. As recently as Saturday morning, the Bush administration’s proposal called for Treasury to buy residential or commercial mortgages and related securities. By that evening, the proposal was broadened to give Treasury discretion to buy “any other financial instrument.”

The lobbying became particularly intense because Congress plans to approve a package within just two weeks, without the traditional hearings and committee process.

“Of course there will be fierce lobbying,” said Bert Ely, a financial services industry consultant in Alexandria, Va. “The real question is, Who wouldn’t want to be included in the package?”

Mr. Ely said the open-ended nature of the Treasury’s plan could be interpreted to mean that the government was open to acquiring “any asset, anywhere in the world.”

“The question that I am raising — is there any limit?” Mr. Ely said.

Each part of the financial industry is pursuing its own interests.

Small banks, for example, are pushing the government to buy loans they made to home builders and commercial developers. Wall Street banks are lobbying to temporarily suspend certain accounting rules to avoid taking big losses on the assets they sell to Treasury, which would weaken them further.

Over the weekend, the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, Wall Street’s main trade and lobbying group, held conference calls to discuss “your firms’ views and priorities related to Treasury’s proposal,” according to an e-mail message sent to members.

One of the calls addressed the fact that municipal securities were not included in the proposals released at the end of last week. Some bankers are pushing for government support of those securities as part of a broader effort to restore investor confidence in money market funds.

The group also discussed which securities would be eligible to be sold to Treasury. Under the latest proposal, the government would buy securities issued on or before Sept. 17.

But some bankers debated whether the cutoff date should be December 2007, when the market was clearly seizing up, to avoid bailing out those who bought securities recently. Other firms hope to be hired to manage the assets that Treasury acquires, a job that could earn them $1 billion a year, even if they charged fees that were modest by industry standards. Among them are the asset management companies Pimco and BlackRock. Morgan Stanley, the investment bank, is also vying for the work.

Some private equity firms, including the Blackstone Group, may be interested in pursuing an asset-management assignment from the government, people briefed on the matter said. Such firms have already expressed interest in buying up distressed debts after having bet against them early last year.

That raises complications because those firms hold assets similar to the ones the Treasury plans to buy. Democrats suggested on Sunday that a provision be added to avoid any conflicts of interest, with a firm making money from handling assets like its own.

William H. Gross, chief investment officer of Pimco, which manages about $830 billion in assets, would like to be an asset manager for the government but said he had not been in touch with Henry M. Paulson Jr., the Treasury secretary, over the weekend. Mr. Gross is among the financial executives Mr. Paulson, who previously headed Goldman Sachs, has regularly consulted with since the financial crisis began.

Another contender is Morgan Stanley, which advised Treasury on an unpaid public service basis on its takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and on the American International Group, the insurer that the Federal Reserve agreed to lend $85 billion to last week in consultation with the Treasury Department.

Similarly, Bank of New York Mellon and JPMorgan Chase, which bought Bear Stearns in a deal brokered by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, were also campaigning for a spot.

BlackRock, a big New York asset management firm, was also involved in negotiations with the government, people briefed on the matter said. The firm is already managing $30 billion of Bear Stearns mortgage assets for the Fed, and it has done work for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and A.I.G. A BlackRock spokeswoman declined to comment.

There were signs of the industry’s fingerprints on drafts of the legislation released over the weekend. While an earlier draft said that only firms with headquarters in the United States could sell assets to the government under the program, a later version said sellers could include any financial institution. Securities firms were initially excluded but were included in a version released Sunday afternoon.

Congressional Democrats and advocates of low-income homeowners were also pushing for the direct acquisition of loans, because that would give the government more say over how collection agents modify the terms of onerous mortgages.

“In addition to buying the assets we have to have a workout plan,” said Douglas Dachille, chief executive of First Principles Capital Management, an investment firm in New York. “And we have to have more control, much more control and oversight of how the servicing is done.”

Perhaps the biggest question about the Treasury’s acquisition plan is how the government will decide how much it is willing to pay for the loans and securities it acquires. Will the government drive a hard bargain and acquire assets for the lowest possible price to protect taxpayers against losses? Or will the Treasury Department, in the interest of jumpstarting the credit market, try to bolster large financial institutions like Citigroup and Washington Mutual by paying a slight premium to the markets’ valuation of these troubled assets? Over the weekend, Treasury said it might use “reverse” auctions in which financial institutions rather than the Treasury — as buyer — would submit bids.

“The trick for the Treasury and American people is to make sure that the price exacts enough of a toll on the originators and holders of these securities, but not enough to destroy lending,” said Mr. Gross of Pimco, who has argued in recent weeks that the government must buy distressed debt to deal with a “financial tsunami.”

Analysts and investors say they expect financial firms to hold onto their troubled securities until the government begins acquiring assets through reverse auctions and negotiations. Eventually, the Treasury will return to the market to sell the assets back to private investors, but that could be a few years away.

“There will be that period where the Treasury takes the place of the private market,” Mr. Gross said. “Hopefully they will get out of that market but we will have to see how quickly that takes place.”

Reporting was contributed by Eric Dash, David M. Herszenhorn, Michael J. de la Merced and Andrew Ross Sorkin.

The Coming 1-world Currency; it is happening
Some set 2010 as date for monetary union

Posted: September 21, 2008 3:28 pm

Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium online newsletter published by the current No. 1 best-selling author, WND staff writer and columnist.

On Wednesday, finance chiefs of five of the six-member, oil-rich Gulf Cooperation Council approved a proposal to create a monetary union as a move toward adopting a single currency, according to the AFP.

The six Islamic states constituting the Gulf Cooperation Council are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Oman pulled out of the agreement last year.

Five states in the compact have agreed to set 2010 as the target date for the creation of a monetary union and the adoption of common currency.

The emergence of an Islamic single currency among these oil-rich Middle Eastern countries marks a significant step in the emerging worldwide movement to abandon national currencies in favor of regional currencies, along the model where the EU states have abandoned their national currencies in favor of the European Central Bank and the euro.

In 2002, the finance ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council states sought out the assistance of the European Central Bank, as the model for their single currency, according to BBC reports.

The council was created in 1981 to promote the development of the member countries.

The monetary union will entail the creation of a central bank to issue the single currency.

At the Wednesday meeting in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah, the finance and economy ministers reviewed the European Union's response to the council's view on eliminating obstacles that have blocked a long-stalled free trade agreement with the EU.

Progress was also made on key convergence factors required to underpin the common currency, including setting the ratio of budget deficit and public debt to the gross domestic product, target interest rates and reserve requirements. Progress yet remains in reaching a consensus on inflation, the last remaining stumbling block to creating the common currency.

International Monetary Fund Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who met with the Gulf Cooperation Council finance ministers in Jeddah, hailed the move by the Gulf states toward economic integration, though he continued to express doubts the single currency would be adopted within two years.

"Achieving monetary union by 2010 will be a major challenge, as much remains to be done to enable the creation of a single currency within two years," Straus-Kahn. "Overcoming the current inflationary pressures, developing a clear vision of the powers of the future common central bank, choosing an exchange regime of the common currency, and harmonizing financial regulations and structures will be critical in this process."

One factor easing the transition toward a single currency is that the six Gulf Cooperation Council member states all currently peg their currencies to the U.S. dollar.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

US, Global Economy in Ruin; The Tsunami is here

The Lord(YHWH) said, "Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees." Isaiah 21:6
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity & confusion; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts will fail out of fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. This generation (80-120 years) shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Luke 21:25,26,32
You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: but do not be troubled: for all these things must come to begin to happen, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in many different places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Matt.24:4-33
Know this also, that in these last days perilous times shall come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous, degenerate, brutal (violent), hateful of what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God(YHWH, Yeshua, Jesus). II Tim 3:1-4
Jan 14, 2008
To One & All,
I'm no economics guru, nor savvy politician, but if none of these types have really seen the "handwriting on the wall" heretofore, why should we give ear to their clamoring now? I've tried to warn those who would listen. It's too little, too late for human reparation, it will take Divine Intervention.

The following facts have long been ignored, are accumulative, and are taking us to ruin:
1) Many American industries (automobile, medical, computer, textile, farming) have been dying a slow death for years. Their putrification is now mingling with the rest of our nation's woes. We manufacture nothing of note to sustain our economy, we import everything, even our Levi's jeans. Your particular industry, job and/or economic/financial status may not have been directly or indirectly affected greatly yet, but it will...
2) The housing industry has gone down the toilet of late. Recent developer bankruptcies have already affected thousands, if not millions, nationwide.
3) The sub-prime mortgage crisis has yet to reach critical mass. 26% of outstanding subs & ARMS come due the first half of 2008. Already, major banks, WORLDWIDE, are taking huge write-downs ($Billions), with more every few weeks. The residual fallout is already affecting other parts of our nation's economy beyond the financial sector. Foreclosures & bankruptcies are at record highs each month, everywhere. State & city operating funds across our land are either frozen or broke due to prior investing in the sub-prime market. Entire suburban city blocks are vacant and fostering crime, arson & drug use.
4) Inflation, including consumables & gasoline, has been running over 7%. (The gov't falsely deflates the % to the core index figure by not using food & gas.)
Milk near or over $4/gal, Eggs nearing $3/doz in some areas, many vegetables exhorbitantly expensive. Gas is predicted to rise without end...
5) Our national, foreign trade, & consumer credit debt are beyond recovery. We are a bankrupt nation now and for all future generations. Imagine what happens when our Gov't cannot borrow any more foreign money, Treasury notes are worthless, and Social Security is gone. It's just around the corner.
6) Foreign ownership of US businesses & real estate is the highest ever, and increasing daily thanks to our failing dollar. The dollar is now at historic lows
against major world currencies, and will continue to fall. OPEC, and other countries are moving (running!) away from the dollar as the world's benchmark. This will cause our inflation to keep rising, and feed into national recession/depression.
7) Gold & oil prices are nearing and/or breaking record highs, even accounting for inflation. The stock market has tried to build on false hopes, but the house of cards continues to fall apart.
8) Americans are taxed, overall (federal, state, local, real estate, ad valor um, sales, excise, fees, fines, penalties), to nearly 80% of their income (highest in the world, for a "free" nation). Gov't dependency grows while personal freedom, responsibility & accountability are long gone.
9) Violent crime is more rampant and shocking each day. White collar & gov't corruption go largely undetected or, are prosecuted lightly. More sex crimes & pedophilia in gov't & education are reported than ever. Prison populations are highest ever and over-flowing.
Threats of foreign & domestic terrorism, never envisioned thirty years ago, are daily occurrences. Radical Islam now infects and affects every continent on the globe and is increasing.
10) Moral, ethical & spiritual deterioration nationwide is now the highest in American history. The failure of our educational system shows the absences of moral and ethics teaching & accountability in our administrators, teachers & students. The rise of atheism, agnosticism, Satan worship, witchcraft, false religions, paganism, & pseudo-Christianity across our nation is beyond measure or comprehension.
Church and Synagogue attendance are at all-time lows, and moral & ethical absolutes are no longer that. Even among professing Christians, fewer than 1 in 6 (<17%)>only Word of God, Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is God Incarnate, Lord & Savior of the human race. About the same % of American Jewry believe in either a personal Messiah or Messianic Age.
11) Global earth & climate anomalies - In the last 20 years, world earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, rains, snowfall, droughts,
famines, pestilences, and diseases, have increased four-fold in intensity, frequency and devastation (OxFam Report 11/07).

I hate sounding pessimistic or doom & gloom. BUT, this is not the America I served twenty years in the military for, and certainly not the America I want to
leave for my children and grand-children. If you think I'm wrong about all this, do your own investigating. There are certain political and financial entities at work who are devising & engineering the collapse of the dollar and the United States, then uniting the western hemisphere under one rule and currency, while steering all of it toward Central European domination. Meanwhile, I'm speaking out & warning that the worst is yet to come, unless we as a nation change our course. I know Who the answer is, but what are you doing to right the ship?
Sep 20, 2008

HOW STUPID CAN WE GET???? Our Gov't has committed us, the US taxpayers, to nearly $1 TRILLION to shore up, buy out, all the bad debt and losses the financial markets have incurred. Tell your Congress person, "HE** NO!!!!". This new burden just adds insult to injury to our already astronomical debt. We cannot uphold the insanity in Washington. It's time to dump the tea in the harbor; dump this debt back in Congress' lap. CALL, E-MAIL, WRITE your representatives, flood their offices in protest! Let the chips fall where they may... Congress will spend our money to save their butts, but they won't lift a finger to rescue their constituents. Their actions WILL NOT remedy America's cancerous root ills.

If our economy fails, let it take Washington with it. Then, perhaps we can rebuild anew on the solid foundation of honesty, accountability, and prudent judgment. As long as we
(our nation, our gov't) keep attempting to plaster and board up a rotting structure, full of termites, infested with rats, roaches and disease, we will have accomplished nothing...

If we allow Congress to continue tightening the noose around our necks, piling on the burden, we will collapse, implode. It is IMPERATIVE to speak out while we still have the freedom to do so. America has now broke from a half-step march to an all-out footrace toward Socialism, and the sands of the Freedom hourglass has nearly run out.
Do not believe what Congress, and our President, say about the necessity and benefit of their actions. They don't get it, nor do they see the end result to our nation.
Winston Churchill said, "
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

The pages of history are now being wetted with the ink of the account of America's downfall
, and if we don't take a stand, then we allowed it to happen.

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

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