The Lord(YHWH) said, "Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees." Isaiah 21:6
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity & confusion; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts will fail out of fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. This generation (80-120 years) shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Luke 21:25,26,32
You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: but do not be troubled: for all these things must come to begin to happen, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in many different places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Matt.24:4-33
Know this also, that in these last days perilous times shall come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous, degenerate, brutal (violent), hateful of what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God(YHWH, Yeshua, Jesus). II Tim 3:1-4
Jan 14, 2008
To One & All,
I'm no economics guru, nor savvy politician, but if none of these types have really seen the "handwriting on the wall" heretofore, why should we give ear to their clamoring now? I've tried to warn those who would listen. It's too little, too late for human reparation, it will take Divine Intervention.
The following facts have long been ignored, are accumulative, and are taking us to ruin:
1) Many American industries (automobile, medical, computer, textile, farming) have been dying a slow death for years. Their putrification is now mingling with the rest of our nation's woes. We manufacture nothing of note to sustain our economy, we import everything, even our Levi's jeans. Your particular industry, job and/or economic/financial status may not have been directly or indirectly affected greatly yet, but it will...
2) The housing industry has gone down the toilet of late. Recent developer bankruptcies have already affected thousands, if not millions, nationwide.
3) The sub-prime mortgage crisis has yet to reach critical mass. 26% of outstanding subs & ARMS come due the first half of 2008. Already, major banks, WORLDWIDE, are taking huge write-downs ($Billions), with more every few weeks. The residual fallout is already affecting other parts of our nation's economy beyond the financial sector. Foreclosures & bankruptcies are at record highs each month, everywhere. State & city operating funds across our land are either frozen or broke due to prior investing in the sub-prime market. Entire suburban city blocks are vacant and fostering crime, arson & drug use.
4) Inflation, including consumables & gasoline, has been running over 7%. (The gov't falsely deflates the % to the core index figure by not using food & gas.)
Milk near or over $4/gal, Eggs nearing $3/doz in some areas, many vegetables exhorbitantly expensive. Gas is predicted to rise without end...
5) Our national, foreign trade, & consumer credit debt are beyond recovery. We are a bankrupt nation now and for all future generations. Imagine what happens when our Gov't cannot borrow any more foreign money, Treasury notes are worthless, and Social Security is gone. It's just around the corner.
6) Foreign ownership of US businesses & real estate is the highest ever, and increasing daily thanks to our failing dollar. The dollar is now at historic lows
against major world currencies, and will continue to fall. OPEC, and other countries are moving (running!) away from the dollar as the world's benchmark. This will cause our inflation to keep rising, and feed into national recession/depression.
7) Gold & oil prices are nearing and/or breaking record highs, even accounting for inflation. The stock market has tried to build on false hopes, but the house of cards continues to fall apart.
8) Americans are taxed, overall (federal, state, local, real estate, ad valor um, sales, excise, fees, fines, penalties), to nearly 80% of their income (highest in the world, for a "free" nation). Gov't dependency grows while personal freedom, responsibility & accountability are long gone.
9) Violent crime is more rampant and shocking each day. White collar & gov't corruption go largely undetected or, are prosecuted lightly. More sex crimes & pedophilia in gov't & education are reported than ever. Prison populations are highest ever and over-flowing. Threats of foreign & domestic terrorism, never envisioned thirty years ago, are daily occurrences. Radical Islam now infects and affects every continent on the globe and is increasing.
10) Moral, ethical & spiritual deterioration nationwide is now the highest in American history. The failure of our educational system shows the absences of moral and ethics teaching & accountability in our administrators, teachers & students. The rise of atheism, agnosticism, Satan worship, witchcraft, false religions, paganism, & pseudo-Christianity across our nation is beyond measure or comprehension. Church and Synagogue attendance are at all-time lows, and moral & ethical absolutes are no longer that. Even among professing Christians, fewer than 1 in 6 (<17%)>only Word of God, Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is God Incarnate, Lord & Savior of the human race. About the same % of American Jewry believe in either a personal Messiah or Messianic Age.
11) Global earth & climate anomalies - In the last 20 years, world earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, rains, snowfall, droughts,
famines, pestilences, and diseases, have increased four-fold in intensity, frequency and devastation (OxFam Report 11/07).
I hate sounding pessimistic or doom & gloom. BUT, this is not the America I served twenty years in the military for, and certainly not the America I want to
leave for my children and grand-children. If you think I'm wrong about all this, do your own investigating. There are certain political and financial entities at work who are devising & engineering the collapse of the dollar and the United States, then uniting the western hemisphere under one rule and currency, while steering all of it toward Central European domination. Meanwhile, I'm speaking out & warning that the worst is yet to come, unless we as a nation change our course. I know Who the answer is, but what are you doing to right the ship?
Sep 20, 2008
HOW STUPID CAN WE GET???? Our Gov't has committed us, the US taxpayers, to nearly $1 TRILLION to shore up, buy out, all the bad debt and losses the financial markets have incurred. Tell your Congress person, "HE** NO!!!!". This new burden just adds insult to injury to our already astronomical debt. We cannot uphold the insanity in Washington. It's time to dump the tea in the harbor; dump this debt back in Congress' lap. CALL, E-MAIL, WRITE your representatives, flood their offices in protest! Let the chips fall where they may... Congress will spend our money to save their butts, but they won't lift a finger to rescue their constituents. Their actions WILL NOT remedy America's cancerous root ills.
If our economy fails, let it take Washington with it. Then, perhaps we can rebuild anew on the solid foundation of honesty, accountability, and prudent judgment. As long as we
(our nation, our gov't) keep attempting to plaster and board up a rotting structure, full of termites, infested with rats, roaches and disease, we will have accomplished nothing...
If we allow Congress to continue tightening the noose around our necks, piling on the burden, we will collapse, implode. It is IMPERATIVE to speak out while we still have the freedom to do so. America has now broke from a half-step march to an all-out footrace toward Socialism, and the sands of the Freedom hourglass has nearly run out.
Do not believe what Congress, and our President, say about the necessity and benefit of their actions. They don't get it, nor do they see the end result to our nation.
Winston Churchill said, "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
The pages of history are now being wetted with the ink of the account of America's downfall, and if we don't take a stand, then we allowed it to happen.
"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
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