Thursday, April 2, 2009

False Hopes, Empty Rhetoric, & Vague Promises

"You're dying of cancer, but this week you didn't deteriorate as fast as we thought. Things weren't as bad as we projected, so let's celebrate by continuing our reckless & irresponsible ways. Let's pump up the stock market so we can shortsell the next big drop and make a huge profit. Keep throwing the mainstream media those poisoned bones so we can keep fooling the public with false hopes, empty rhetoric, and vague promises."
This is the current inane thinking in Washington & Wall St. What's worse is they fool themselves into believing their own lies. As our major cities become wastelands of derelict homes and nearly 15Million affected jobless (Remember every lost job hurts an entire family), our government & mainstream media hype we may be near the bottom of our economic crisis.
Let God's Word be true, we can only be in the "beginning of sorrows" (Matt 24:8, Mk 13:8)
Politically, economically and constitutionally, we are & have been racing toward a cliff of historic & unprecedented proportion. Our government is taking wholly unparalleled power & control over private industry. Who knows how far they will go? "Never waste a good crisis in order to seize opportunity." These are the words of Obama, Geithner & Bernanke, and our Congress is taking their cue.
Yes, it would be much easier to believe & swallow their garbage, stick my head in the sand and ignore all the warning signs. But then, I would also have to deny the Word of God, all it teaches, and the Savior who redeemed me on Calvary....I don't think so.


March Job Losses Highest on Record, 750,000
February's Losses Revised up to 706,000

Israeli Foreign Minister Miffs US on Palestinian State
Says Israel not bound to Annapolis agreement

Sweden Votes Yes to Legalize Gay Marriage

London Protestors Riot Against Banks, G20

Banks Walking Away from Foreclosures

Abandoned Boats Littering US Waterways

US Libraries Become Unwitting Homeless Shelters

Ammo Shortage Now Epidemic, No End in Sight

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