Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Generation of Fear

American generations past, our grandparents & great-grandparents, never knew retirement, Social Security, Medicare, instant gratification, and all the other amenities & entrapments of our present day society. What made our parents, us, and our children think it would always be so?
Now we see it all slipping away, eroding daily by selfishness, greed & overindulgence by every American who has the means & will to do so. But, it's not just an American failure, it's a global failure. Although third-world nations have suffered continually, now nearly every industrialized nation is experiencing the aftermath of extreme gluttony; inflated wealth & prosperity, too fast growth & girth, over abundance of credit & flatulence, irresponsible spending & binging, along with the heartburn of bankruptcies, foreclosures, too many bills, and runaway taxation. And yet, we're still stuffing ourselves...
Sadly, all levels of government are not only partakers in this gluttony, they are enablers as well. Their social programs not only encourage gluttony off the public teat, but promote sloth, apathy, indifference and parasitism from one generation to the next. Although they isolate themselves, along with their power & money broker cronies, in their halls & mansions of conspicuous consumption, their ideas and enactments of wealth redistribution only apply to the masses. They think that as long as they toss the moldy bread and fatty hamburger to the piranhic populace, the crisis is abated while they engorge on filet mignon. Yet, their filet mignon came with a huge price tag and fraudulent financing which even now they are unable to sustain. So, now they must mandate stricter rules, regulations and taxation to bleed the nation dry in order to maintain their existence.

American Rural Elderly Eke Out a Different Life

George Burgess, 96, drives into Torrington, Wyo., every day for a hot lunch, but worries about renewing his driver's license.

Georgia Unemployment Funding Nearly Gone

Greece on the Brink of National Bankruptcy

Op-Ed: The Do-it Yourself Recession

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