Thursday, January 28, 2010

The State of the Union?....Dismal

As POTUS postulates, pontificates and prevaricates on our national condition, and his empty proposals to fix it, one cannot help but wonder what dreamworld these people live in? Avatar? What is it about those who enter the political arena, of whom it is lauded they are most assuredly "smart, shrewd, and intelligent individuals", suddenly develop an abnormal case of obtuse stupidity and general loss of good sense? Wisdom is not found among them.

No one in Washington wants to, or will admit, that their "milk the system for personal gain at taxpayer expense" agenda is nearing the end of its run. When was it that "public service" no longer applied to government office? Undoubtedly, the premise of "offer yourselves a living sacrifice...holy and acceptable to God" is NOT integral in their thinking. Their thinking is, and has been, as long as we can borrow from tomorrow to live for today, then all is well for the moment. Trouble is, the tomorrows are numbering less and less, and becoming more barren by the minute. Whatever false hope our government and political systems are counting on, it is a delusion engulfing nearly an entire nation. 

Yes, the physical and fiscal problems are real; 30+ Million Americans unemployed or under-employed, economic instability and uncertainty, insurmountable local, state and national debt, anemic or non-existent real business growth, acute healthcare, education, and social crises. Yet, all of these are external and peripheral to our country's true dilemma, an adulterous heart. A heart far from God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God in Christ who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Ruler of heaven and earth: Creator, Potter, Comforter, Prince of Peace and Savior.
As tragic as the devastation and loss of life in Haiti are from the earthquake, I have this gut spiritual sense that it was merely a warning shot across the bow... Not that God caused it to happen in judgment, as some have claimed, for He told us these things were coming, and going to increase as the End of the Age draws near. And, regardless of all the humanist, secular and scientific rebuttals against God's existence and sovereignty over the earth, one has to admit...we are not in control. Our obstinate will and rebellion against Him will not prevent the inevitable.
Unless we realize our sinful "State of the Union" as individuals, a people and a nation, and turn to God with a repentant, helpless heart, hopeless in our own efforts, America cannot expect any return to her former glory. Woe unto America...
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! " Is 5:20-21
"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers that write iniquity;" Is 10:1
"Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who sees us? and who knows us? " Is 29:15
"Woe to the rebellious children, says YHWH, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:" Is30:1
"The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!" Lam 5:16

Obama's efforts fall flat for Small Business

Regulators shut five more banks, bringing 2010 total to nine

Unemployment rose in 43 states last month 

24 States’ Laws Open to Attack After Campaign Finance Ruling 

Payroll taxes increase for many employers across USA

The United States Of Debt 

Companies Flashing Financial Danger Signs 

Where will the next crisis hit? 

Barney Frank calls for abolishing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac 

1,336 mutual funds cease to exist in 2009 

Wal-Mart cuts about 11,200 Sam's Club staffers 

NYC may lay off 19,000 workers






Friday, January 22, 2010

Trijicon Bows to Political, Financial Pressure: Remove Bible References

Dear Sirs,
    As a long time Trijicon customer, it is sadly disheartening to learn of your company's decision to remove the Bible verse references from your products. This decision becomes another in the growing line of fallen dominoes in America's moral & spiritual decline. It requires boldness to stand for the Word of God over man's. But, obviously, money & business are more important than His Word, too, in your eyes. They're right in saying America is not a Christian nation anymore, and Trijicon has now added to the evidence. I'm not saying I won't buy your products anymore, but neither will I stand in your defense when Christ asks each of you why you denied Him before men, Matt 10:33. 

U.S. firm to remove Bible references from gun sights

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Follow-up: Obama to meddle with your retirement

Obama to meddle with your retirement account?
Administration considers forcing investors into Treasury debt

Posted: January 14, 2010 12:30 am Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi


President Obama

The Obama administration appears to have come up with a novel way of financing trillion-dollar budget deficits – demanding IRA and 401(k) holders buy trillions of dollars in Treasury bonds. With the Treasury needing this year to see another $1 trillion in debt to finance the anticipated federal budget deficit, and the Federal Reserve about to discontinue its 2009 program of buying Treasury bonds for the Fed's asset portfolio, the Obama administration is scrambling to find ways to sell government debt without having to raise interest rates.
Bloomberg reported Friday that Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Mark Iwry are planning to stage a public comment period before implementing regulations that would require private investors to structure IRA and 401(k) accounts into what could amount to a U.S. Treasury debt-backed government annuity.
CNBC's Rick Santelli broadcast the rumor the same day from the trading floor during CNBC's "Power Lunch" show.
Spokesmen from both the U.S. Treasury and Department of Labor confirmed to WND that the federal agencies about to enter a pre-regulation public comment phase on the proposed rule change.

But the agencies are getting serious pushback from the mutual fund industry, objecting to what some financial planners see as a government attempt to divert hundreds of billions of dollars of private retirement accounts into federal government debt, regardless whether the investment in Treasury bonds is in the best interest of the retirement-oriented investor.
On the Department of Labor website, the transcript of a Dec. 9 webchat with Borzi confirms the Employee Benefits Security Administration is about to issue a Request for Information on how annuity lifetime options should be structured into a wide range of defined contribution retirement plans, including 401(k)s.
Under ERISA, the Department of Labor regulates approximately 700,000 private pension plans, with approximately $4.7 trillion in assets.
"Lifetime Income Options," code words for annuities, are also listed in the Department of Labor's regulatory agenda for the Employee Benefits Security Administration, issued Dec. 7 and filed in the Federal Register.
The government's argument is that IRA and 401(k) investors lost principle in the stock market when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted from a closing of 14,164.53 on Oct. 9, 2007, to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009.
For instance, Fidelity Investments reported the average fund balance on the approximately 11 million accounts Fidelity manages dropped 31 percent to $47,500 at the end of March, from $69,200 at the end of 2007.
With the stock market rally since March, Fidelity further reports 401(k) account balances increased 128 percent by the end of the third quarter 2009, to an average of $60,700, from the low at the end of the first quarter 2009 of $47,500.
While U.S. Treasury bonds have had historically lower yields than equity returns, government proponents of the idea argue Treasury bonds are safer, guaranteed by the federal government to pay principal and interest regardless of market conditions.
Furthermore, annuities as life insurance contracts have a unique investment advantage of being able to pay a specified lifetime income, regardless how long the annuitant lives.
The Investment Company Institute, a national trade organization representing the mutual fund industry, argues that the distinction of the Obama administration proposal would be to require annuities funded with Treasuries to be embedded within IRAs and 401(k) programs, using the fear of loss as a reason to demand retirement investors own Treasuries.
Right now, IRA holders and investors in 401(k) plans are free to invest in Treasury bonds, if they choose.
Also, annuities are a popular settlement option for IRAs and 401(k) plans that transition from the accumulation phase to the payout phase.
Annuities are an attractive payout instrument, because annuities offer the part of lifetime income and only a portion of each payout installment is considered taxable as return of investment principle.
Interest or investment earnings in annuities accumulate income tax-deferred until the annuitant takes out money, either in an unscheduled withdrawal, or in a payout option extending over a specified number of years in retirement, or for the lifetime of the annuitant.
The unusual nature of the Obama administration's proposal would be to place as an investment a tax-deferred instrument like an annuity within a tax-deferred retirement program. Investment advisers typically use annuities as an investment option for after-tax dollars, not as a required investment option within a retirement program like an IRA or 401(k) that is already income-tax deferred.
A survey conducted by the Investment Company Institute showed more than 70 percent of all households disagreed with the idea of requiring retirees to buy annuities with a portion of their assets, whether the annuity is offered by an insurance company or by the government.
Moreover, 96 percent of households in the survey responded that retirees rejected the idea that the government should mandate turning IRA or 401(k) assets into annuities, asserting instead that retirees should make their own decisions about managing retirement assets and income.
The Investment Company Institute member companies manage some $11.62 trillion in mutual fund assets for some 90 million mutual fund shareholders, including retirement-oriented investors participating in defined contribution plans such as employer-sponsored 401(k) accounts. 
________________MORE NEWS___________________ 
Haiti: No Words Can Describe the Devastation & Suffering

New jobless claims rise more than expected last week  

December retail sales drop 0.3%

It's Not Going Away - You thought I was kidding about asset seizure

At the height of our current economic & financial meltdown, someone in Washington (I still haven't found out exactly who yet) came up with the novel idea of nationalizing our 401(k) and savings plans in order for our government to tap into the nearly 6 Trillion dollars held by American private citizens in these accounts. The Bush Administration balked at the idea, and gave it no further credence, while Congress shelved it for the time being. Knowing it would be a hard sell as proposed, it has laid dormant until last week. Now the Obama Administration has repackaged the notion with an "end-around run", hoping to mandate it through the financial management companies. Forcing us to buy government debt, i.e., give away our savings, in a more palatable fashion is not a rose by any other name. It's still TYRANNY! by any other name, and it still STINKS to high heaven!!!
The ways of the Devil are subtle and crafty, but we are wise to his methods. This is yet one more step toward his One World Order, but he and his followers realized a full frontal assault wouldn't be swallowed at this juncture. So, they said, let's try it this way...
Ain't it amazing how this little news tidbit failed to get any real notice?

Jan. 8 (Bloomberg) -- The Obama administration is weighing how the government can encourage workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams following a collapse in retiree accounts when the stock market plunged.
The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.
Annuities generally guarantee income until the retiree’s death, and often that of a surviving spouse as well. They are designed to protect against the risk that retirees outlive their savings, a danger made clear by market losses suffered by older Americans over the last year, David Certner, legislative counsel for AARP, said in an interview.
“There’s a real desire on a lot of people’s parts to try to encourage something other than just rolling over a lump sum, to make sure this money will actually last a lifetime,” said Certner, legislative counsel for Washington-based AARP, the biggest U.S. advocacy group for retirees.
Promoting annuities may benefit companies that provide them through employers, including ING Groep NV and Prudential Financial Inc., or sell them directly to individuals, such as American International Group Inc., the insurer that has received $182.3 billion in government aid.
Balances Fall
The average 401(k) fund balance dropped 31 percent to $47,500 at the end of March 2009 from $69,200 at the end of 2007, according to a Fidelity Investments review of 11 million accounts it manages. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index tumbled 46 percent in that period. The average balance of the Fidelity accounts recovered to $60,700 as of last Sept. 30 as the stock market rebounded.
There is “a tremendous amount of interest in the White House” in retirement-security initiatives, Borzi, who heads the Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, said in an interview.
In addition to annuities, the inquiry will cover other approaches to guaranteeing income, including longevity insurance that would provide an income stream for retirees living beyond a certain age, she said.
“There’s been a fair amount of discussion in the literature taking the view that perhaps there ought to be more lifetime income,” Iwry, a senior adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, said in an interview.
Lump Sums
“The question is how to encourage it, and whether the government can and should be helpful in that regard,” Iwry said.
While traditional defined-benefit pensions were paid out as annuities, providing monthly payments for retirees and often their spouses, workers increasingly are taking advantage of options to receive lump-sum distributions.
Only 2 percent of 401(k) plan participants convert retirement savings into an annuity on retirement, according to a July 2009 report from the Retirement Security Project, a joint venture of Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute and the Brookings Institution in Washington.
A survey of 149 companies released on Dec. 17 by employee- benefits consultant Watson Wyatt Worldwide, now part of Arlington, Va.-based Towers Watson & Co., suggested that about 22 percent of employers with retirement savings plans offered retirees the choice between an annuity and a lump-sum distribution.
Annuity Sellers
Government success in getting workers to move retirement assets into annuities may prove profitable for insurers that sell annuities, Anne Mathias, policy research director for Washington Research Group, a policy analysis unit of Concept Capital, said in an interview.
Retirement plans, including 401(k) accounts, held $3.6 trillion in assets at the end of the second quarter of 2009, while annuity investments of all kinds totaled about $2.3 trillion, according to figures from the Washington-based Investment Company Institute, a trade association for asset managers.
The top sellers of individual annuities in the U.S. include AIG, MetLife Inc., Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., Lincoln National Corp. and New York Life Insurance Co., according to figures from the American Council of Life Insurers for 2008. The top group-annuity sellers include ING, Prudential Financial, MetLife and Manulife Financial Corp.
Under Fire
Asset managers are concerned the government may go too far in encouraging annuities, said Mike McNamee, a spokesman for the Investment Company Institute. Seven in 10 U.S. households would object to a requirement that retirees convert part of their savings into annuities, according to a survey the group released today.
“Households’ views on policy changes revealed a preference to preserve retirement account features and flexibility,” the institute said in a report.
The institute also said annuities have received support from academic research and “it is unclear why individuals usually forego the annuity option” even when it is available. The survey didn’t ask about potential efforts by the government to encourage voluntary use of annuities.
Annuity sales to individuals have come under regulatory scrutiny in recent years over the size of sales commissions and whether some varieties are suitable for older investors.
Social Security
John Brennan, the former chairman of Vanguard Group, the Valley Forge, Pennsylvania-based mutual-fund company, criticized annuities today as often expensive and offering little inflation protection. Americans already benefit from “the best annuity in the world, which is Social Security,” Brennan said in an interview on Bloomberg Television.
AARP’s Certner said policy makers could avoid many of those pitfalls by encouraging the use of group annuities, which are bought by employers rather than individuals and often carry lower fees, or using approaches that provide retirement income without commercial annuities.
Adding lifetime income to 401(k) plans won’t be sufficient for many workers because they can’t, or don’t, save enough to live on in old age, and Social Security often proves inadequate as more than a safety net, said Karen Ferguson, director of the Pension Rights Center in Washington, D.C.
Senate Bill
“It’s a great idea, but how much are people really going to get out of it?” she said. A better approach would be to give employers incentives to revive defined-benefit pensions, which have languished as employers have focused on cheaper and more flexible 401(k) plans, Ferguson said.
One proposal raised by Iwry as co-author of a paper while at the Retirement Security Project, before joining the administration, has reached Congress. A bill requiring employers to report 401(k) savings both as an account balance and as a stream of income based on an annuity was introduced on Dec. 3 by Senators Jeff Bingaman, a New Mexico Democrat, Johnny Isakson, a Georgia Republican, and Herb Kohl, a Wisconsin Democrat.

Pray for Haiti...

Pray for Haiti, all Haitians, and everyone who extends a hand in this time of untold and immeasurable suffering. This could be the greatest single catastrophe in terms of human life since the Great Flood. The words & deeds of comfort & care cannot be diminished, but prayer, faith & repentance toward Almighty God in Christ is our first resort, not our last...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Winter of Our Discontent - It's Official; Our Lost Generation

As previously noted here, it has been my firm contention (since I did this college thesis in 1981) that the spiritual, mental, emotional and social demise of our nation began in 1948; the year prayer to YHWH God in our public schools was outlawed by our Supreme Court (How strange this was the same year Israel became a nation). Bible reading was banned in class here in 1963. Let me further note that this was the year of Kennedy's assassination and followed by a decade of more assassinations, race riots, youth rebellion, Viet Nam protests, inflation, and a host of other turmoils & calamities.
Today's America experiences incidents such as Columbine, Virginia Tech, "goin' postal", mass shootings, Jeffrey Dahmer, terrorism...and the likes previous generations never envisioned (Nevermind the divorce rates, personal crimes, dropout rates and the rest)

This latest study is further evidence supporting our continued decline as we've produced yet another generation separated from redemption and salvation in Christ since then.
In many ways, I fault our mainline denominations, churches, pastors, Bible colleges & seminaries for bowing to the US Gov't after the 1954 501c3 Act, legislated by none other than a young senator, Lyndon B. Johnson. The government licensing of churches with the carrot of tax exemption status while giving up the right of free speech has crippled America's pulpits. Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel would never have been silenced by such a law, or be compromised by such a paltry bribe. The pastors of early America also spoke out against both individuals and current issues that affected congregations & communities alike. Dr. William Smith, pastor of the Christ Church in Philadelphia, ignited a firestorm of revolution with his June 23, 1775 sermon, "The Present Situation of American Affairs". Would it be today that our pulpits exuded such conviction?
"Choose you this day Whom you will serve,...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15 
"Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?" Job 4:17
"... I will answer thee, that God is greater than man." Job 33:12     
America, if believers in Christ do not stand forth for His Gospel, His Holiness, His righteousness, His redemption and Salvation in Him alone, and conviction against sin, & wickedness in the high places across our land, we have no excuse but to bow & cower to the gods we have set before us and to reap what we have sown...And, while I rejoice greatly in my God, my family and friends, there is NO mistaking what is happening to our nation, and I cannot sit idly by watching it occur.

Today's US youth have more serious mental health issues than previous generations
CHICAGO — A new study has found that five times as many high school and college students in the U.S. are dealing with anxiety and other mental health issues than youth of the same age who were studied in the Great Depression era.
The findings, culled from responses to a popular psychological questionnaire used as far back as 1938, confirm what counselors on campuses nationwide have long suspected as more students struggle with the stresses of school and life in general.
"It's another piece of the puzzle - that yes, this does seem to be a problem, that there are more young people who report anxiety and depression," says Jean Twenge, a San Diego State University psychology professor and the study's lead author. "The next question is: what do we do about it?"
Though the study, released Monday, does not provide a definitive correlation, Twenge and mental health professionals speculate that a popular culture increasingly focused on the external - from wealth to looks and status - has contributed to the uptick in mental health issues.
Pulling together the data for the study was no small task. Led by Twenge, researchers at five universities analyzed the responses of 77,576 high school or college students who, from 1938 through 2007, took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, or MMPI. The results will be published in a future issue of the Clinical Psychology Review.
Overall, an average of five times as many students in 2007 surpassed thresholds in one or more mental health categories, compared with those who did so in 1938. A few individual categories increased at an even greater rate - with six times as many scoring high in two areas:
-"hypomania," a measure of anxiety and unrealistic optimism (from 5 per cent of students in 1938 to 31 per cent in 2007)
-and depression (from 1 per cent to 6 per cent).
Twenge said the most current numbers may even be low given all the students taking antidepressants and other psychotropic medications, which help alleviate symptoms the survey asks about.
The study also showed increases in "psychopathic deviation," which is loosely related to psychopathic behaviour in a much milder form and is defined as having trouble with authority and feeling as though the rules don't apply to you. The percentage of young people who scored high in that category increased from 5 per cent in 1938 to 24 per cent in 2007.
Twenge previously documented the influence of pop culture pressures on young people's mental health in her 2006 book "Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled - and More Miserable Than Ever Before." Several studies also have captured the growing interest in being rich, with 77 per cent of those questioned for UCLA's 2008 national survey of college freshmen saying it was "essential" or "very important" to be financially well off.
Experts say such high expectations are a recipe for disappointment. Meanwhile, they also note some well-meaning but overprotective parents have left their children with few real-world coping skills, whether that means doing their own budget or confronting professors on their own.
"If you don't have these skills, then it's very normal to become anxious," says Dr. Elizabeth Alderman, an adolescent medicine specialist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City who hopes the new study will be a wake-up call to those parents.
Students themselves point to everything from pressure to succeed - self-imposed and otherwise - to a fast-paced world that's only sped up by the technology they love so much.
Sarah Ann Slater, a 21-year-old junior at the University of Miami, says she feels pressure to be financially successful, even when she doesn't want to.
"The unrealistic feelings that are ingrained in us from a young age - that we need to have massive amounts of money to be considered a success - not only lead us to a higher likelihood of feeling inadequate, anxious or depressed, but also make us think that the only value in getting an education is to make a lot of money, which is the wrong way to look at it," says Slater, an international studies major who plans to go to graduate school overseas.
The study is not without its skeptics, among them Richard Shadick, a psychologist who directs the counselling centre at Pace University in New York. He says, for instance, that the sample data weren't necessarily representative of all college students. (Many who answered the MMPI questionnaire were students in introductory psychology courses at four-year institutions.)
Shadick says his own experience leaves little doubt more students are seeking mental health services. But he and others think that may be due in part to heightened awareness of such services. Twenge notes the MMPI isn't given only to those who seek services.
Others, meanwhile, say the research helps advance the conversation with hard numbers.
"It actually provides some support to the observations," says Scott Hunter, director of pediatric neuropsychology at the University of Chicago's Comer Children's Hospital. Before his current post, Hunter was at the University of Virginia, where his work included counselling a growing number of students with mental health concerns.
While even Twenge concedes more research is needed to pinpoint a cause, Hunter says the study "also helps us understand what some of the reasons behind it might be." He notes Twenge's inclusion of data showing that factors such as materialism among young people have had a similar upswing. She also noted that divorce rates for their parents have gone up, which may lead to less stability.
Amid it all, Hunter says this latest generation has been raised in a "you can do anything atmosphere." And that, he says, "sets up a lot of false expectation" that inevitably leads to distress for some.
It's also meant heartache for parents.
"I don't remember it being this hard," says a mother from northern New Jersey, whose 15-year-old daughter is being treated for depression. She asked not to be identified to respect her daughter's privacy.
"We all wanted to be popular, but there wasn't this emphasis on being perfect and being super skinny," she says. "In addition, it's 'How much do your parents make?'
"I'd like to think that's not relevant, but I can't imagine that doesn't play a role."

____________________MORE NEWS______________________

Haiti's capital shattered by powerful 7.0 earthquake

Priest states Holocaust toll much higher

 Report suggests a year of high unemployment ahead 

NYC:Further Slide Seen in Commercial Real Estate 

Geithner's NY Fed told AIG to keep quiet on deals  

Winter Breaks Budgets and Rules the Road 

Race Riots Grip Italian Town, and Mafia Is Suspected 

3 Malaysian churches attacked in 'Allah' dispute

Op-Ed:Invitation to Disaster, $350B in States Budgets Shortfalls in 2010, 2011

Oxford, Cambridge universities face 'meltdown'




Sunday, January 3, 2010

Profits of Doom - The Jackals always lurk in the shadows

For many Americans in these times, realizing the consequences of excess has become a bitter, harsh reality. For more than a few, having a job, making your house payment and having food on the table are now daily reasons for giving thanks for Providential grace. Yet, even in the worst of days for many, jackals emerge from the shadows to take spoil at the expense of the less fortunate. Such has ever been the case throughout history, whether it be a conquering nation, or neighbors pillaging an evicted neighbor's curbside belongings.
It seems we never thought it would happen to us...maybe to someone else in another country, or in another city, or across town, but not on our street, not in our homes. As "For Sale" signs pop up like dandelion weeds, and linger for months on end, many worry they are the next victim. Hopelessness and despair have become unwanted companions many never wanted, nor envisioned...
Ya know? I pray for those who profit from doom, as well as the prophets of doom. It is never my intention nor design to be either, but to wake up those who would take heed as to what is happening in us, and around us. I pray for our nation and our leaders to realize the folly of their ways, and to seek the face of God in repentance and forgiveness. Our land can be healed, but only through His power, mercy and grace. Our own efforts are failing miserably. We have set other gods before us, and they have no power at all... 


Real Estate in Cape Coral, Fla., Is Far From a Recovery 


Mortgage rates keep rising; 30-year ends year at 5.14%  

U.S. stocks may struggle in 2010 as stimulus money ebbs 

U.S. Loan Effort Is Seen as Adding to Housing Woes 

For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk 

Living on Nothing but Food Stamps