Thursday, January 28, 2010

The State of the Union?....Dismal

As POTUS postulates, pontificates and prevaricates on our national condition, and his empty proposals to fix it, one cannot help but wonder what dreamworld these people live in? Avatar? What is it about those who enter the political arena, of whom it is lauded they are most assuredly "smart, shrewd, and intelligent individuals", suddenly develop an abnormal case of obtuse stupidity and general loss of good sense? Wisdom is not found among them.

No one in Washington wants to, or will admit, that their "milk the system for personal gain at taxpayer expense" agenda is nearing the end of its run. When was it that "public service" no longer applied to government office? Undoubtedly, the premise of "offer yourselves a living sacrifice...holy and acceptable to God" is NOT integral in their thinking. Their thinking is, and has been, as long as we can borrow from tomorrow to live for today, then all is well for the moment. Trouble is, the tomorrows are numbering less and less, and becoming more barren by the minute. Whatever false hope our government and political systems are counting on, it is a delusion engulfing nearly an entire nation. 

Yes, the physical and fiscal problems are real; 30+ Million Americans unemployed or under-employed, economic instability and uncertainty, insurmountable local, state and national debt, anemic or non-existent real business growth, acute healthcare, education, and social crises. Yet, all of these are external and peripheral to our country's true dilemma, an adulterous heart. A heart far from God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God in Christ who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Ruler of heaven and earth: Creator, Potter, Comforter, Prince of Peace and Savior.
As tragic as the devastation and loss of life in Haiti are from the earthquake, I have this gut spiritual sense that it was merely a warning shot across the bow... Not that God caused it to happen in judgment, as some have claimed, for He told us these things were coming, and going to increase as the End of the Age draws near. And, regardless of all the humanist, secular and scientific rebuttals against God's existence and sovereignty over the earth, one has to admit...we are not in control. Our obstinate will and rebellion against Him will not prevent the inevitable.
Unless we realize our sinful "State of the Union" as individuals, a people and a nation, and turn to God with a repentant, helpless heart, hopeless in our own efforts, America cannot expect any return to her former glory. Woe unto America...
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! " Is 5:20-21
"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers that write iniquity;" Is 10:1
"Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who sees us? and who knows us? " Is 29:15
"Woe to the rebellious children, says YHWH, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:" Is30:1
"The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!" Lam 5:16

Obama's efforts fall flat for Small Business

Regulators shut five more banks, bringing 2010 total to nine

Unemployment rose in 43 states last month 

24 States’ Laws Open to Attack After Campaign Finance Ruling 

Payroll taxes increase for many employers across USA

The United States Of Debt 

Companies Flashing Financial Danger Signs 

Where will the next crisis hit? 

Barney Frank calls for abolishing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac 

1,336 mutual funds cease to exist in 2009 

Wal-Mart cuts about 11,200 Sam's Club staffers 

NYC may lay off 19,000 workers






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