Thursday, November 13, 2008


To one & all,
Many might think this blog solely a rant of "Doom & Gloom". While it may appear so on the surface, the waters run much, much deeper. It is primarily a Wake Up Call to America; A voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord Yashua ha Mashaich (King Jesus the Christ, God our Salvation). I use the true Hebrew rendering of His name & title because it honors Him. Our English translated Greek translation, the "Lord Jesus Christ" muddies the "waters" as it were.

During my 50+ years upon this earth, I have experienced &
witnessed people, places & things, most will never encounter. This is not a brag, but a praise to Yashua for all the opportunities he has given me. From all these experiences & through His Word, YHWH has also given me a panoramic perspective of our world, time & events (past, present & future), not wholly unlike He gave the OT prophets. Not that I claim to be a Prophet by any means, save that He shows me as they saw through His eyes. While the details aren't always crystal clear, the far-reaching scope from end to end is. It's kinda like God fixing & positioning His panoramic camera or telescope, and saying, "Look! See what is shown you!" "Now, go tell what you see!" Hence, the Watchman on the wall...

I remember America as she once was, a young nation, full of hope & promise, albeit an adolescent in her attitudes,
actions & perceptions. Brash, arrogant, even racist, but ever holding forth hope & faith in God's Word and His promises. The Ten Commandments & Biblical, Judeo-Christian precepts were still the basis for our rule of law. All government proceedings, school classes & church services were opened with prayer and/or Bible readings, only in Jesus' name. We were sure & certain of Yeshua's place and hand upon our nation; there was, is, always would be, no other name under Heaven given, whereby we must be redeemed (saved). Only building upon this foundation was our nation blessed above all others on the face of the earth. Growth & prosperity abounded, industry & farming flourished, churches & schools excelled, our leaders & governments held themselves accountable to God and us. The Gospel of Christ was sent out unto all the world. We were YHWH's beacon of light for everyone to see. But then, the unthinkable began to happen...

Through legislation, hardheartedness, apostasy, compromise, spiritual adultery & idolatry, we began, like the children of Israel, to seek other gods. The god of greed, lust, power, covetousness, murder, psycho-drugs, promiscuity, adultery, and all other deadly vices, was allowed into our homes, our schools, our businesses, our government and our churches with his enticement of lies. Little by little, he altered our thinking, then our actions. "You shall not surely die, you shall be as God!", he said, and we believed. Over the course of four generations, we exchanged the truth of YHWH for a lie, and went from favored status to a nation dying in its wickedness. You cannot truly think or say America's best days are still ahead!!! That's a lie! You're blind & foolish to even consider the thought! America is in darkness, and getting darker by the hour, and I really don't know if YHWH has any grace and mercy left for our nation!

Only as individuals does hope flicker for our land. Individuals who determine their state before YHWH, and seek Him with a repentant, whole heart and purposed mind. Individuals who then become fishers of men, to uphold the Word of God in all it puts forth, chiefly the Word become flesh, as our God, Savior & King Yeshua. Individuals who would choose to serve Him rather than men. Mothers, fathers & children who would cling to Christ rather than the world. Only then does America have any breath of life remaining, or any hope for the future.

Granted, I am an ardent student of prophecy. A student who adheres to all the prophecies of the "End Times". These prophecies of both our Messiah Yeshua and the OT Prophets outline the End of the Age of the Gentiles (where we are nearing), King Yeshua's return for His church ( his body of believers, both living & dead into new incorruptible bodies), The physical appearance of persons known as the Anti-Christ & the Beast who lead the One World Order, the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, the Seven Years of Tribulation upon the Earth, the Final Return of Lord Yeshua to defeat the Anti-Christ, the Beast & Lucifer at the Mount of Megiddo, the Millennial (1000 year) reign of King Yeshua over the earth. A last victorious battle over Lucifer, and then, Yeshua creating a new universe in which we will reign with Him forever. These are all well described & detailed in the Holy Scriptures written by YHWH, Yeshua, The Spirit of Holiness, Elohim, El Shaddai, Himself. The names of GOD are important, as they are descriptors of His attributes; His Omniscience, His Holiness, His Love, His Mercy, His Justice, His Omnipotence.

As a further point of discussion, many Americans are falsely convinced that our Supreme Court's & Congress' rulings with regard to "Separation of Church & State" as a mandate to Separation from YHWH, Yeshua. Our nation's forefathers, namely Jefferson, NEVER entertained this thought! Jefferson's personal letter to a local Baptist minister was in the context of not establishing a particular denomination in America, such as Catholicism did in Europe. It was NEVER meant to rip out America's heart toward Christ! Every signer of our Declaration of Independence was deeply familiar with YHWH, the Gospel of Christ and the Holy Scriptures. Their familiarity is exhibited in every line they wrote. The ideas of Islam, Mohammed, or any other errant faith, or atheism was NEVER considered! There is no other faith than Christ!
Today's philosophy ascribes this perceived separation to exclude YHWH, Yashua, and the Spirit of Holiness from all aspects of American life and pursuits.
Our embrace of these falsehoods is exactly a major cause of our present cancer. Again, we exchanged the truth for a lie, and the results are more than apparent. They are devastating...

In all, it's an increasingly horrific world in which we now live. But as a believer in Christ, we have hope, joy, peace and assurance. YHWH, Yashua is for us, who can stand against us? This is where our past, present & future has always been. Not in the empty promises of man, not in the lies of the Accuser. Only in GOD in Christ. Forever.

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