Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's time to take a respite from all the negative news that surrounds us, and take stock of what I'm truly grateful for. Granted, you cannot put all the pros & cons on a scale, and see which outweighs the other; it doesn't really work that way. Often, burdens & blessings are intertwined, inseparable. If God has no other intention toward us, it's to make us see the unseen, to look beyond the visible, and know the intrinsic pricelessness of all that is in spirit.
My most priceless blessing; my wife. She's the greatest earthly reason I awake each morning; to have the joy of her companionship each & every day. No other person enriches my life, moment to moment, day after day, year after year. She is my heart & soul.
Number Two: My children & my parents & grandchildren. I'm one of the few people my age who still have both mother & father still living. Plus, I am also blessed with two wonderful step-parents. All in their late 70's to mid-80's, in relative health, they live independently, able to reasonably function, and do as they can. I love, honor and pray for their welfare daily, and am oh so thankful for each day I have them. There's nothing quite like being able to call or go see them, and say, "Hi Mom, Hi Dad, I love you." And they respond, "I love you, too". I know these days are numbered, so I cherish each & every one.
I am also exceedingly blessed to have a collage of seven children; 5 boys, 2 girls, ages 21 to 38. All healthy, with all their faculties (sometimes questionable) & appendages. Never a serious illness or impediment; All working, 5 on their own, 2 at home in college. Ever a mixed blessing, they are as much pride & joy as trial & tribulation.
But let me tell you about my 3 granddaughters...
They're the most beautiful, most intelligent, most thoughtful, most loving, most considerate, most everything good of any creation God ever made. And there's ABSOLUTELY no bias in this statement! ABSOLUTE Truth! I've just got to figure out how to keep them just as they are, never growing up, sitting in my lap & beside me, reading them stories.
Last, but not least, are my joys of brothers & sisters, relatives & friends, whom I've shared so many countless, unforgettable times with. So many years of memorable moments, tears & elation, friendship & bonds, work & play, births and deaths. I wouldn't, nor couldn't, trade anything for a single one.

Yet, I count all this but loss for the one single greatest blessing I never deserved. And in this blessing, I know I will never lose all my aforementioned gifts. I shall see them again for all eternity. They will never grow old, never be sick or infirm, never experience pain nor sorrow, nor ever again be separated from me.
What is this one glorious gift of grace? The Gift of Christ.
"For YHWH GOD so loves me that He gave up His only Son, that if I will believe on Him, I SHALL not perish, but have eternal life."
"Moreover, everyone, I declare unto you the Good News, how that Christ died for my sins & your sins, ACCORDING to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again the third day, ACCORDING to the Scriptures."

Do you have this gift? Do you have Christ? Do you have the joy of eternity with Him and your parents, children, grandchildren, family members & friends? Do they have Christ? Claim Him today by faith, and such joy is yours. Thankfulness will never be so sweet, so reassuring, so complete. "Behold, I stand at your door and knock. If you hear my voice, and open unto me, I WILL come in, and abide with you, and you with me." "The universe will pass away, but my words SHALL NEVER pass away."

I am thankful...

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