Sunday, January 25, 2009

I hope you've missed me...LOL! I've been out of town working all week, and now trying to catch up on lost sleep! But our nations' & worlds' events do not stop, and it's hard to wrap them all together into some sort of coherent picture. Making sense of the day-to-day calamities around us is a prayerful endeavor that only YHWH can provide. I see politicians, leaders, economic pundits and every Tom, Dick, & Harriet with a microphone giving their spin on what they think will happen. None of them have the slightest clue... Even some popular "Christian" personalities have voiced erroneous predictions based on something other than YHWH's Holy Word.
There is one hero of the Faith in our times who still stands firm after 40 years, to whom I do give ear, Hal Lindsey. Hal has been a profound prophecy preacher and author for many years. Many may remember his early best seller, "The Late, Great Planet Earth". He's written more than a few since then. On his weekly broadcast, both on television and internet,, the Jan 16th airing was uncannily reminiscent to much I've been posting here. I heartily invite you to watch & hear his message:

The Hal Lindsey Report: January 16th


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