Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Next Wave in America's Peril

I’ve been taking a hiatus from blogging of late, yet I wonder if anyone was really listening. Obviously, the majority of Americans deny what’s happening, even when it’s going on right before their eyes. Our nation has slipped off the cliff into destruction, and the blind are leading the blind right over the edge. But, even I can only take so much negative before it weighs down even the strongest among us. I’ve been recharging my batteries, so to speak, on some really good books, which should be required reading for every sincere soul. Lee Strobel’s ‘The Case for Faith’ & ‘The Case for Christ’ are great faith leaders and builders. Another set I’ve just finished are C.S. Lewis’ (The Chronicles of Narnia) ‘The Screwtape Letters’, ‘Surprised by Joy’, and ‘Mere Christianity’. These men have powerful testimonies of their conversion, and coming to faith in Christ; which is why I read their books to get to know the how & why of their thinking.

Back to the Present

I love analogies; I use them all the time. Analogies paint an easily understood mental picture of deeper truth, usually a spiritual one.

It is sadly amusing to watch & listen to our government and its media parrots offer “glimmers of hope” to a growingly skeptical populace. It’s kinda like a man falling 20,000 feet from an airplane without a parachute at 200 mph and suddenly hitting an updraft. “Oh, we’re not falling as fast as we were right now.” Again, another analogy. But get this, idiot…you’re still falling without a parachute, and the ground is still just as hard. We’re still on the way down; the “when” is only left open to question.

No matter how they skew the statistics, the truth is, we’re in deep, dark kimshee as a nation, as a society, as an increasingly divided people. As I’ve stated emphatically before, every facet of American life as we’ve known is changing, and definitely not for the better. Our government grows more desperate and oppressive, and our social, economic, educational and moral structure declines daily at an alarming rate. Violent crime, theft, greed, and the largest prison population in the world are sad testaments to these facts.

But knowing certain facts has never been the all persuasive catalyst toward changing people’s hearts & minds; just like knowing right from wrong doesn’t stop us from doing bad, hurtful or harmful things to ourselves and one another. It takes more than what we have from within ourselves. It requires a new spirit imparted from the One who designed and created us; someone who knows us better than we know ourselves. The One who set the perfect standard, yet identifies with our failings, our sufferings, our inconsistencies, our needs & desires, our humanity: The Messiah Yashua (Jesus the Christ), the God-Man, the Savior-Redeemer of the human race.

If you’ve never seriously looked upon Jesus, the Biblical Christ, I implore you to do so. It is so sad and disheartening that the most popular and bestselling Book in the world, the story of the Greatest Person who ever walked the planet, who died for the sin of all mankind, and rose bodily from the dead for our eternal hope, never gets read. The Book of the greatest news ever published sits on coffee tables and bookshelves, stuffed with mementos and family records. People, that Book is our deed to eternal life with Him. Ought you not to know what it says? Trust me; it’s infinitely more important than your property deed or insurance policy. Not only will it and He change your life now, but for all eternity.

"Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: for they are which testify of me." John 5:39


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