Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One Big Awful Mistake America

As long as I've been writing this call-to-arms (figuratively) for America to repent (return to Almighty God in Yashua Christ & the Bible) for the past 8 years, it's been mentally & spiritually exhausting. First in e-mails, then on the web, I've measured and taken the pulse of America's heart & spirit; high & low, rich & poor, happy & sad. It doesn't take a PhD to know the patient is dying. All the symptoms have been & are too apparent for several generations; excessive, wasteful living & lifestyle, an over-abundant diet of greed, avarice, pleasure-seeking, living for self, with no concern for the things of God, no sense of sin, and no love of Christ & the Gospel. Everything that once made this nation strong in the Lord, bountiful in His blessings, the salt of the Earth, the light for hope shining in a dark & dying world, has been cast aside & forsaken for vain philosophies & religions, wealth & accumulation, glitz & glamor, false government salvation, and sole concern for the temporal. It breaks my heart to see what we have become and where we're going. As Jeremiah wept for Israel, so I weep for America...
The avalanche of bad & disheartening news on every front hasn't abated, in fact, it's building momentum. The tsunami of despair grows higher each day across this land; joblessness, homelessness, crime, violence, corruption, inhumanity, spiritual deadness, sin in all its forms rises to drown us. Until we realize God & His Spirit in Yashua are our only redemption, we and this world are destined for failure. Ever since man's first rebellion, mankind has refused God's rule over us, we sought our own way of salvation, invented our own gods...and thought we didn't need Him, and even deny His existence.
I don't care how educated or learned one may be, they are a fool to think or harbor the thought God isn't. As a lifelong student of science & engineering, intellectually, I cannot but conclude that He is. The glory & awe of creation stand testament to His Majesty, His Mentality, Skill & Forethought, His Grace and Mercy. The DNA which instructs each & every cell to know its specific purpose & function, the genetics which determine the exact size, scope & limits of procreation & reproduction, the engineering of physical laws of the universe, the moral & spiritual character of humankind are but a few of the evidences of His handiwork. The odds of any one of these, or even accumatively, happening by chance are by best guess, 1 in 10 to the 120th power (10 followed by 120 zeros). You'd have a better chance of a tornado going thru a metal scrapyard and leaving behind a fully functioning, ready for take-off, Boeing 747 in its wake.
Sure the invisible, often silent, God is beyond the reach of our senses, but our souls cannot deny the obvious without committing spiritual suicide. But, we have and do anyway...
I've re-emphasized over & over that America's ills are not political, financial, educational or societal, they are only symptoms. America's ill is spiritual. She has turned her back on YHWH God, and sought her own way for these past generations, and God's mercy & grace are no longer being extended. America's cancer has killed us from within, and our weakness is showing to the rest of the world. Like jackals circling the fallen, diseased antelope, our enemies gather to finish our demise. It's only a matter of time...
Time to gather your family, gather your friends, gather strangers, and even your enemies and tell them of God's Timeless Plan of Redemption in Christ. Tell them how we are by nature at enmity with Him, how we sin against Him, ourselves and each other, and are therefore condemned to death. Then, tell them how God loves us even so, even while we hate, despise and curse His name. So much so, that He became a man just like us, undertook every suffering life heaps upon us, yet went willingly to die and bear the punishment we more than deserve. He who knew no sin, became sin for us, that we should live eternally with and in Him. Furthermore, and tantamount, to show that the chains of sin and death were broken forever, He rose from the dead. Whereever, beyond our known universe, Heaven and God's Throne is, He watches, listens and answers the prayers of all those who call upon Him in repentance and faith. He lifts us above the sufferings and circumstances of this world, cleanses us from the inside out, prepares a place for every new believer in Him, and counts down the minutes til He stands up and says to His angels, "Let's go, it's time to gather my flock". "For as many as receive Him, to each & every one He gives the authority to become His children, to be called the Sons & Daughters of God." Tell them His testimony, be His witness, love your neighbor (and family) as yourself. The sand in God's hourglass is running out, we are past the eleventh hour, and the opportunities for you to win the souls of the lost are becoming fewer & fewer.
Every day we see God's foretelling of the End Times coming to pass. Contemplation, discussion and enactment of a world government, a world currency, and a world religion are on the lips of world leaders and in the news more & more. Signs on the earth and across the heavens pulsate like a woman in labor pains, like a pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other. Global warming, global cooling, record heats, colds, floods, rains, snows, droughts, famines, disease & pestilence. Man-made catastrophes, food contaminations, crime & unspeakable violence, civil wars, uprisings & rebellions, political upheavals, financial ruin, and human despair boil in the cauldron of our humanity. There is no hope, except hope in God in Christ Yashua (Jesus).
For those of us found in Him, He has saved us from the penalty of sin, He is saving us from the persistence of sin in ourselves and the world, and will save us from the destruction and devastation of sin to come. He has so promised, and God cannot lie. It will come to pass.

As a watchman on the wall of His Kingdom, I see the landscape of battle before me. I shout warnings to the masses, and beckon all who would come into the safety of Christ. He has already declared, "Whosoever will, come. Come, all who are weary and burdened by sin and its consequence. Come, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and see that it is light. Come, taste & see that the Lord is good. I have prepared a banquet and feast before you. Come."

Regardless of what the newscasters, pundits & politicos say, the truth of world news continues to be nothing but doom & gloom. I won't heap more coals upon the already evident headlines. The good news is always that Yashua God has conquered death, there is hope, there will be new heavens and earth, righteousness will reign forever as He reigns. God in Christ is our King of Kings, Lord of lords, Ruler of rulers, and we long for the day when He enters Jerusalem for the final time to be our God and we His people forever & ever.

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