Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Day of Reckoning; Closer than you think

As I observe & keep a watchful eye over the panoramic landscape of America & the world, and I don't mean the terrain, I mean the political, social, financial, spiritual & all other aspects of life on this spacial orb, it never ceases to befuddle me as to the height, depth & breadth of mankind's impudence & insolence. Of late, it has exploded to never before seen expanses of ignorance, stupidity, obliviousness, greed, selfishness, cruelty, inhumanity and just plain hard-heartedness.
We all get weary of bad news, lies & deceit, and nowadays, the airwaves are saturated with it. In every nation, among all peoples, strife, upheaval & uncertainty abound. What does it all mean? If these aren't the beginning of labor pains, I don't know what is...
It means a Day of Reckoning is on the horizon. A day of reckoning for America as a nation; The last day America can still choose whom she shall serve (Joshua 24:15). It seems more than apparent her choice has already been made, and it wasn't the right One.
We have sold our birthright, squandered our inheritance, and spoiled our fruits. In every aspect mentioned above, we are bankrupt. We are no longer the United States, but the Fractious & Divided States of America. Our peoples have never been more un-united, more polarized, more distraught, more uncertain of our future, and with every good reason...
I made a prophetic utterance in time past, almost 10 years ago, that America the nation, as we knew her, will not last another 30 years. The sand is flowing out of the hourglass, seemingly faster by the minute. We now have about 20 years left, if that long. God and history gave us a blueprint of what would happen if we continued our adultery, but we chose to ignore and disbelieve these facts. I cannot tell you the details of what all can & might happen, the scenarios are immense, but the inevitable is guaranteed. Scripture gives us many details, clues & hints of both past & future events, but on our part, our first & foremost preparation, is to put our trust in the Lord Yahshua. God (YHWH) alone is our salvation. Seek His Kingdom first, and everything else after that is added grace.
After putting on the whole armor of God; the sword (the Word), the breastplate, helmet & shield (righteousness, faith, salvation, Eph 6:14-17), our personal preparation must be to get out of debt as much as possible, become more self-sufficient (growing & trading food, learning survival skills; sewing, carpentry, and the like), conjoin with friends & neighbors, and share the Gospel of Christ. If you think this extreme, read & remember the early days in our country, how our forefathers eked out a living off the land, and gave thanks to Yehovah God. There was NO government assistance, in fact, they were escaping & resisting government intrusion, interference and domination. We've come full circle.
I earnestly pray we do not devolve to the level of the horrors of WWII Germany, the Holocaust, the Bolshevik Revolution, Mao's China, Khmer Rouge, Sudan and other atrocious regimes, but history can & does repeat itself. Because, we're the same sinners we've always been, defiant against YHWH to the very end, unless you've been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus. "But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom 5:8, "This is love: not that we have love God, but that he loves us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins." I Jn 4:10


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