Friday, October 30, 2009

Economy Grows in 3rd Qtr? More deceit by the minute...

The GDP news sounds great, 3.5% growth over the last quarter, right? The economy is moving again, right? Until you start digging into the facts. The real growth which took place was in government spending. It grew by almost 8%! Nearly 20% over the last 6 months! GDP is the sum of a) consumer spending (70% of America's economy), b) business investment (spending), and c) government outlays (more spending). Neither a), nor b) had any significant growth at all, in fact it was flat or negative. But government spending through "Cash for Clunkers" & the "First Time Buyers Housing Credit" was enormous. So much so, that, in reality, the bureaucracy cost taxpayers 3-5 times the  $8000 credits given for these purchases. (Just add it to our national debt, we'll make our children & grandchildren pay for it.) Source: Bureau of Economic "Real federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 7.9 percent in the third quarter, compared with an increase of 11.4 percent in the second."

Taking Apart 3Q GDP and the Coming Double-Dip Recession

Our government plays the psychological factor to the hilt. If they can feed (and you swallow) their economic propaganda to make you feel better, give you false hope, and deny your reality, then they've kept you tied to the tether. You're still plugged into the "Matrix", hooked on life support to the Gov't teat.

Oct 24th Jobless Claims "Only" 531,000 
(It's not what you say, but HOW you say it)

As a USAF veteran (retired), I had over 20 years of distinguishing between our true "mission", and the "BS" factor (the stuff the military bureaucracy passes down to placate you). More & more, I see it in our government & mainstream media profferings. Sadly enough, it appears they truly believe their own lies sincerely. Having been in Eastern Europe and Russia, I also comprehend & understand political propaganda and how it subjugates the populace after decades & decades of inundation. America has ramped up its own version to anesthetize a gullible population. History IS repeating itself, we've just renamed the causes & symptoms so they don't scare us and go down more easily.
America, the warning bells & klaxons are sounding off like crazy, but  you're not responding as you should. Zombies don't react to physical, mental, emotional or spiritual stimuli, is it too late?

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