Friday, February 5, 2010

Too Much Emphasis, Too Little Evidence

If you pay attention to the broad range of news that spews forth across the nation from all the myriad media outlets, you cannot help but begin to see that there's something awfully wrong with the picture the government and their flunkies are trying to paint. The numbers and percentages don't add up, nor do they make good sense. The headlines make it appear that recent surges of growth & profit are near miraculously positive...until you dig deeper into the real facts of the matter.
Only of late is the ominous reality of our indebtedness dawning on Washington. Regardless of whatever they promise (which they won't keep), it will not even make a dent in what we owe to our creditors. Our current deficit is beyond our ability to pay, and will continue to skyrocket into the stratosphere in the decades to come. Even though many American people know, or should know, we're fiscally bankrupt, Washington cannot nor will not admit to the truth. Admission equates to total collapse and anarchy, which none of us want as long as we can borrow into tomorrow, or into the next day or the next. But, without a doubt, sooner or later, the Piper must be paid. That day looms with dread on the horizon. It is not a mirage, nor a fictitious imagining, it is a cold, hard reality for which we must prepare.
It is only a doom & gloom scenario if this is wherein your faith lies. More & more, Americans, even Christians, are waking up to the fact that implicit faith in our government, our leaders, and man himself in general, is sorely misplaced. Several generations of Americans have trusted our government without serious repercussion. They received their pensions, their Social Security, retirement benefits, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social amenities all the way to their grave. Somehow, present generations embraced that it would always be so. To some extent, many now believe a secure future is their "God-given" right and entitlement. Nothing could be further from the truth...
Many close friends and associates ask me why I'm so didactic and single-minded, and what should they do for the future. It's not rocket science, it's wholly based on God's Word, and availing myself to the Holy Spirit for understanding, wisdom, attitude and perception. Looking and adopting God's point of view is alien to our rebellious and sinful human nature. It can and is difficult, even painful, to extricate all the secular, humanistic brainwashing that's been heaped upon us for generations. But, God is patient and gracious according to His riches in Christ Yahshua beyond imagination to exceed all that we ask (Eph 3:20). So what should we do?
1) PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more. In time past I have doubted the value and need for prayer. This is not unusual if  you're questioning the GOD to whom you're praying. But, somehow God, in His boundless grace parted the darkness and clouds of confusion, and brought the light of His Glory upon my soul. Prayer to God Almighty in Jesus' (Yahshua's) name is not merely a requirement, it's an absolute necessity! Prayers offered up in any other name never clear the ceiling, and are truly a waste of breath. YHWH promises to hear and answer our petitions in Christ's name, although His answers are not necessarily  in accordance with our will, but His. If none of your prayers are being answered, then first you need to examine yourself to ensure you are "in the faith" and not reprobate (II Cor 13:5). Second, are you truly honest with yourself and God? Harboring or denying secret sin in your life will also hinder your prayers. Therefore admit and confess to Him, and let Him do the cleansing (James 1:6-8, I Jn 1:9). Think, live and act uprightly before the Lord, and give Him complete authority over your life. He is the Potter, we are the clay.
2) SET YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER. No, I don't mean prepare a will. I mean clean house, inside and out: YOU. Get out of debt, eliminate those credit cards, begin to live a separated, holy, dedicated existence according to God's Word, not man's. Let God's Word be your plumbline, the standard for yourself, your family, your business or professional life. Truly live by faith, and not by sight. The world and the world system grow more calamitous day by day, so our faith must rest upon the solid ROCK of His Word in Christ Jesus. (Rom 1:7, Heb 10:38, Matt 24:35)
3) LEARN TO LIVE AND LIVE TO LEARN. (II Tim 2:15) Allowing God's Word to take hold in your mind, body, soul and spirit will renew and affect each of these life components with amazing results (Rom 12:2). Life's journey is no longer a solo endeavor, but accompanied by the Friend who never leaves nor forsakes you (Jn 15:15, Heb 13:5). Be both introspect and circumspect, self-aware, eyes & mind wide open to the Holy Spirit's working, both in you and the world around you (II Cor 13:5, Gal 5:16, 22-25).
4) PAY ATTENTION TO PROPHECY. Nearly 30% of the Bible is prophetic, the future foretold, so it is Supremely relevant to us as believers. Don't ignore it or give up on the difficult parts. We have the past records, both Biblically and historically, of prophecies fulfilled, of times, events, people, places, and the Promise of Christ. And, if we understand our Lord correctly according to His Olivet discourse, we have already entered into the Beginning of Labor Pains (Matt 24:8, Mk 13:8). The re-establishment and existence of the state of Israel in our time is overwhelmingly compelling evidence that God's timeclock is ticking. World events ever since, both geo-physically and geo-politically, show us we are on course according to His Word. We aren't just living in interesting times, but the times that all creation has groaned and is groaning for since the beginning. Our Savior is returning, but the world (and people) will get worse before He remakes it anew. Learn to live, not in fear, but with your God-given spirit of love, authority and a sound mind (II Tim 1:7).
5) FEAR NOT. "If God is for us, who can stand against us?" (Rom 8:31). Are we convinced that the God of all creation loves us, has given Himself for us, and has redeemed us unto Himself? Then we should live as such! "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor anything above, nor anything below, nor anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 8:38). Don't be afraid to stand on the authority of God's Word, and His principles. Dare to be a Daniel, don't shy away from the wickedness we encounter. Fear not, put on the whole armor of God, wield the Sword of the Spirit, not only to defend the faith once delivered to the saints, but to take down the strongholds of unbelief, spiritual sin, wickedness and depravity in high (and low) places (Eph 6:10-17, Heb 4:12, Jude 1:3, II Cor 10:4). Our world is not only confused, bound and enslaved by the powers of darkness, but its leaders, teachers and prophets expound and promote every form of disobedience; adultery, fornication, homosexuality, abortion, murder, greed, avarice, theft, deception, all manner of sin of the heart. We must attack it at its source, the hearts & minds of the souls of men.
In America, our very liberty is at stake. As we have read and observed our nation "falling away" from the truth over the century or so past, who was our last president who confessed Yahshua ha' Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) as Lord God and Savior? Only Ronald Reagan comes to mind, although several have confessed a form of godliness, but denied the true power thereof (II Tim 3:5). Who in Congress, governors' offices, state legislatures, city councils, board & shareholders meetings, or Wall Street has lifted up Christ that He should draw them unto Himself? (Jn 12:32)
I cannot over-emphasize strongly enough the sad & horrific "State of Our Union", and how we must stand forth as believers in Christ. We are not only losing the Grace of God upon our nation in this generation, but also for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. The clock is ticking down, Christ is coming, and how shall we be found about our Master's business???


Netanyahu States: Ezekiel 37 Fulfilled in Israel 

No Help in Sight, More Homeowners Walk Away 

Rising FHA default rate foreshadows a crush of foreclosures 

Stock sell-off follows worries about jobs, European debt

World stocks hit by fears of debt crisis contagion

US Lies on Jobless Rate to Pare off Global Panic





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