Thursday, October 2, 2008

Economic Rescue: Past performance is no guarantee of future results...

It boggles the mind of truly sensible people that our Congress and the American media cannot grasp the totality of any proposed economic rescue, bailout, or any other named plan which sends our National Debt into outer space. Add $40Billion here, $85 Billion there, and then top it with another $250Billion, $100Billion, $350Billion, piled in scoops on our already incomprehensible $9.95TRILLION indebtedness! And growing by $2.5Billion a day in interest! Sprinkle further insult upon our injury in that we presently owe 27% ($2.6T) of this insanity to foreign investors, of which China, Russia, and other less than friendly “trading partners” are the majority. Our nation cannot sustain itself upon endless credit from the likes of these, or anyone else. We are becoming a bad credit risk, and our enemies smell blood. The bill is coming due, and we will not be able to pay it…

Even our own Government Accounting Office (GAO) provides the evidence America is drowning. Are we really willing to accelerate the process? Read it for yourself:

I watch Fox News channel regularly, but it seems even they are advocating government intervention into this current economic crisis, echoing, “Congress must act!” Diehard wealthy capitalists Forbes, Langone & Grasso (NYSE) are also whistling to this new tune. It shows more & more that we have become a nation of expediency, rather than principle.

Get it through your minds right this second: WE DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CRISIS, NOR DO WE HAVE A LIQUIDITY CRISIS. WHAT WE REALLY HAVE IS A SOLVENCY CRISIS! This economic earthquake “tremor” we're experiencing is merely a foreshadowing of America’s future as we daily sink further into the abyss of overwhelming debt. Every credible American economist & historian since our inception has known that the way our entire government structure (Federal, state & local) operates would eventually lead us to ruin. We like to think we improved upon the empirical democratic patterns of Athens & Rome. Guess what, they've been gone a long time, and we haven’t made any real improvement to ensure we'll be around either.

Less I digress, let me get back on track. Most savvy investors understand that Wall Street is Las Vegas in a different dress. Losses & gains on the table are not tangible until you cash out. But, committing taxpayer dollars, THAT WE DON”T HAVE, is a real debt & a real burden, immediately, and long into the future. Not to Washington, not to Wall Street, but on our backs from the moment we earn our first taxable dollar until our last. Our government’s long used game of tax breaks, exemptions, write-offs and the like are nothing more than temporary pacifiers for the populace and social engineering. If our government was truly benevolent & beneficent to the people it serves, and could really think beyond their gluttony, some form of Fair Tax (a sales based tax with exclusions) would have been the law of the land ages ago. All other forms of taxation; revenue, state, local, real estate, ad valor um, corporate, capitol gains, etc. would have been be deemed UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Oops, I forgot, we don't really use that document anymore...

Such a government would only operate within its means, according to its income, with a yearly balanced budget. I know, all this is much too sensible, and undeniably impossible.

Do not allow this Congress to bankrupt America prematurely. Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will praise & thank you for it.

Realize that any government commitment of your futuristic tax dollars will be borrowed and/or printed, and compounded onto the National Debt, thereby leading to increased taxation, inflation, and currency devaluation.
Simple economics 101.

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