Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wall St. Petulance & A Gov't Gone Mad

Wall St., our Banking System, lenders & borrowers have been such bad little children; throwing tantrum after tantrum, then, promising to be good, yet still misbehaving. So, our Gov't (mother) promises us (father, breadwinner, taxpayer, citizen) to clean up all their messes and make everything all right. Sounds just dandy?
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong...

This is not a TV family sitcom where the script makes everyone happy in 30 minutes. This is a harsh reality in progress where millions of Americans watch their proverbial worlds collapse in a matter of months. A reality where we are being manipulated & controlled unlike ever before. An America where personal liberty, freedom, responsibility & democracy no longer exist in the eyes of our gov't. They have taken over and will dominate our lives ever more intrusively. "Of the People, by the People, for the People"?
We do not control our gov't, IT controls us. The "IT" has become a destructive monster all unto its own.

We cannot believe or trust anyone or anything we hear or see from the media, our Gov't and Wall St. They're all fumbling about like, "The Blind Men & the Elephant".
Huge Wall St. rises & falls are just violent outbursts of its emotional instability. We suspected its insanity for a long time, but now the evidence is stark. Meanwhile, the Gov't & the media follow in lock step like rats after a Mad Pied Piper.

Allow me to outline this recipe for disaster in the simplest terms:

Wall St. & Banking failures prompt Gov't intervention and HUGE money injections.
Gov't doesn't have this money; ergo, print it, tax for it, borrow it. Thereby, increasing National Debt, higher inflation, higher prices, more borrowing, raising taxes, decreasing consumer spending, spurring economic slowdown & joblessness, devaluing our currency, depressing the markets. Our gov't exerts more & more controls over industry, institutions, personal life, and society; the cycle keeps repeating & expanding until final implosion and collapse.

We are caught between a whipsaw & a vise. And, this is just a portion in re, the material aspects. The terminal decline of our moral, ethical & spiritual health has
permeated all corners of our society; from Main St. to Wall St., from Capitol Hill to Hollywood, from Pennsylvania Ave. to Rodeo Dr., from kindergarten to college, from educator to executive, from farmer to financier, from sanitation worker to
Senator, from rapist to Representative, from preacher to President...
The wickedness of the human heart is not constrained by occupation, environment or philosophy.

Now, there is a remedy, a cure, a redeeming regeneration. But, you probably won't like it, so you may not want to partake of it. It's a short medication, but has everlasting effects. So, if really you're serious, read on. If not, then don't go beyond this point.

The Cure
First, consider & realize there is an eternal, all-powerful, omniscient, invisible Creator you have wholly ignored, slandered, defied &
rebelled against. Your willfulness (sin) has separated you from having a personal relationship with Him. And worse, your continued willfulness (sin) has a price, a debt, an obligation that will result in eternal separation from Him, and from everyone and everything you've come to love in your human existence. Actually, this is exactly what sin means, "to be without" or, "to be cut off". But, while you still have breath, also realize that your Creator loves you in spite of how you think & feel about Him, how you've cursed & abused Him along with your fellow human beings, in spite of every wicked thought & deed you've ever had and done, and continue to do.

Second, realize He has not & did not leave you to ignorance or without a way of redemption. He has provided a written record of His Plan, His Work, and Eternal Provision for you. This record is known to us as the "Holy Bible", 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. Your Creator claims He wrote it, verifies it, and states
there is no adding to, or taking away from it. He says it will never be obliterated, it will never fail, nor pass away until all be fulfilled. In fact, He guarantees to stand behind it for all eternity.

Third, your Creator has promised since the beginning of time an unveiling of His interaction with the human race. These unveilings, aka revelations & prophecies, all depict His incarnation as the God-Man, the person called Yeshua ha' Meshiach (Jesus the Christ), Emmanuel (God with us), the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Yeshua, in His first earthly ministry, came to do what you could not; pay your debt owed to your Almighty Creator. In this Father & Son scenario, the Father laid on the Son the sin debt of every human being who has ever lived. The Son accepted and embraced your debt as His own, and gave up His life in exchange for yours. The Father accepted His Son's sacrifice & death in your stead, and raised Him from the dead. The Son declared pardon and righteousness to all, past, present & future, who receive Him as Lord & Savior, King & Redeemer. He returned unto the Father until the End of the Age. The rest & best is yet to come...

All you need do right now is bow your heart to Him, accept His sacrifice on your behalf in all truth, honesty & sincerity, in simple prayer. Embrace the Son. He hears you and will credit your account, "PAID IN FULL".

Now, new life begins, a new nature is born, you no longer live unto yourself. The seed is planted and sprouts. A transformation has begun. What next?
Find a Bible, get to know your King, your Redeemer, (KJV, NIV; John's Gospel will do to start). Seek another redeemed child of God, tell him what's happened, ask questions, learn & grow in the knowledge of Christ. Talk to Him daily, make your needs, requests, concerns known to Him. Expect answers, see results, but accept "no" and "wait" as answers, too. Understand anew what's happening to you and the world around you.
Your eternal journey awaits...

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