Thursday, October 2, 2008

H.R.1424; America Endangered

Dear Readers,
If you don't know as yet, the US Senate passed H.R.1424, the $851Billion Economic "Rescue" resolution last night. This e-mail was sent to our Georgia Senators who were among the 74 YEA voters. If your state's senators were also among them, you may well wish to voice your venom over their action. The House of Representatives is due to vote on this measure perhaps by this Friday. Write or call them now, before their vote.
I cannot stress strongly enough the danger our government has placed us in. Our Senate has blatantly ignored the voice of the people who oppose this (or any economic "rescue" plan committing our tax dollars) 90 to 1 in many areas across America. It is a sad day in our nation when our representatives defiantly lord their position over the very people they are sworn to serve. The filling station for their bloated, politically inflated egos must be shut down.
Our leaders are now laying our collective neck on the chopping block of our enemies; those who envy our freedom, our liberty, and despise everything America represents. If you abhor Socialism, then you must take a stand. Or else, both you, and your children will have seen the best last days of democracy.
"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

May God have mercy upon America, and His children. Amen

This was my e-mail to our Georgia Senators:

Dear Senators Isakson and Chambliss,
You have violated your oath of office. As your constituents in Georgia, and having e-mailed you previously, we thought we had strongly conveyed our vehement opposition to any government intervention into this, or any, economic "rescue" which involves our taxpayer dollars. You may as well have donated your salary for the remainder of your term, as you will no longer be receiving our support or our vote.
While you may think your YEA vote well intended, the long term repercussions will haunt every American for generations, if now we last that long. Most sadly, it will be recorded in history that on Oct. 1, 2008, America adopted Socialism. Your affirmative vote has now set in motion a chain of events that will change the face of America forever. No longer are we the "Land of the Free, or the "Home of the Brave", but now known as the "Land of the Enslaved" and the "Home of the Bereaved".
Seventy-four U.S. Senators, including you, have now sent our nation barreling down the broad road of destruction. Neither Pearl Harbor, nor 9/11 will compare to the devastation you have brought down upon our heads. No God-fearing, Christ-loving, Bible-believing American
will ever forget this day of infamy if and when this bill becomes law. Your nightmares of regret will never cease.
Whatever short-lived credit stabilization, stock market calm, bank failure prevention, or homeowner rescue you hope this will curtail, will far be outdone by the long-term rampant inflation, dollar devaluation and unbearable, runaway taxation. The nationalization of our free market system, as well as the rest of America's business & industry, has now begun. Democracy in America is now pronounced dead.

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