Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Epitaph for America

I do pray YHWH's forgiveness and help for our newly elected leader and our nation, but then I hear the Savior's words echoing in my head, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing." "They wouldn't believe the Prophets, and neither will they hear my words."

America's candidates & electees for President have been been exceedingly worse since Ronald Reagan. We were blessed as a nation under Reagan because at his core, he was a man of Faith. Faith in Christ, faith in His Word. No President since, even G. Bush, has exhibited that trait. Now America has elected the most radical, leftist, Muslim & domestic terrorist sympathizing, Israel back-stabbing, double-talking, socialist liberal in the nation to lead us. Did I fail to make myself clear? We will reap what we have sown. Don't misconstrue this dire situation as an allusion about race, skin color or any physical characteristic. It is wholly a matter of the spirit, the inner soul of the man. President-elect Obama and now a majority Socialist Democrat Congress will take America down a road from which there is no return. This Congress will yank this rookie's marionette strings in ways that far surpass what they did to Jimmy Carter. Carter is now looked upon as a horrible president, and he had a similar, yet less socialist, congressional makeup. We can still pray for God's help, but Scripture tells us His mind is already made up when it comes to what we have done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A leadership crisis of substantial magnitude has placed the United States of Americas in great peril.Peril's conservation work in important sites throughout Latin America & the Caribbean.Its actions are the culmination of a campaign meant to intimidate and silence.



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