Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shades of Things to Come

"Now we see only a blurred reflection in a mirror, but then we will see face to face. Now what I know is incomplete, but then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known." I Cor 13:12

Much of what we see in today's world, and moreso across our nation, are dark clouds brewing on the horizon, with pockets of storms overhead . The details & distinctions are vague, but the mere fact of their presence is foreboding, not a cause for joy & celebration for the masses. Some seem to be elated over the prospect, and others actually appear to be seeding the clouds. Still more interpret the impending darkness as a catalyst to bring about new world order, change & centralization. It's no wonder many are confused, frightened, disillusioned, and without any real hope. False hopes abound, based entirely on political rhetoric, skewed media bias, and right out lies wrung from altered statistics. No one seems to question or take to task those in authority who propagate these "misrepresentations", or take the time to dig for the truth. At least not to the extent of their recanting or sincerely apologizing to we who are being deceived.

In garnering information from the primary sources, reported news, hearsay & personal observation, the actual facts are sifted out by astute discernment of all three. True spiritual discernment is a sword honed by the Holy Spirit. "Do not believe every spirit, but try (test, discriminate, prove) the spirits...because many false prophets (teachers, reporters, leaders) are gone out into the world." I Jn4:1
How is it honed?
"(By) the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart." Eph 6:17, Heb 4:12

One of the most difficult aspects of the transforming of our minds as Christians is the realization is that most everything we know comes from visual, oral & written communications, transferred from someone else. Then, we realize that it is not What we believe, but WHO. Thus, all the information, data, facts, opinions, biases & philosophies we have adopted, formulated & embraced are based upon the works of others. How much of it is truth? Not as much as you might think...

The news I post may not be the most widely reported. Sometimes it may have been squashed by the mainstream media as un-newsworthy, not titillating or exciting enough, or unfitting with their liberal philosophy. And, although I cannot guarantee 100% verity of these articles, I can guarantee that the whole truth is NOT being revealed through the mainstream media. The most I may hope for is to provoke someone's thinking into investigating for themselves. If I ever unwittingly spread a lie, or even a half-truth, I humbly apologize and stand corrected before Yashua and man.


True unemployment rate already at 20% (Jul 6 '09)

Google Unemployment rate Graph (Current)

USPS Projects $7Billion Loss in 2009

States Buckling under Revenue Crash

Symantec (Norton) quarterly profit tumbles 58%

Over 425,000 sign Petition in seeking Obama's citizenship proof

"Birthers" discredited by White House, mainstream media...Complete WND Archive

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