Friday, August 7, 2009

No Earthly Place to Run

If your city or town is anything like mine, Atlanta, the morning, noon & nightly news is nothing but crime reports. From top to bottom, wealthy to poor, educated to illiterate, the perpetrators know no social or economic bounds. Burglaries, home invasions, car-jackings, land-frauds, bribery, influence-peddling, embezzlement, every illegal, immoral & unethical behavior & action seems to be overtaking our nation.
The popular philosophy of this age is that we can "educate" this moral & spiritual "devolution" out of any person's behavior & thinking. If we only provide better schools, teachers & resources to our children, then they will grow up to be model citizens...if this paradigm hasn't worked in over two generations (nearly 50 years), and the results are more evident each day, what in the world makes one think it will suddenly change tomorrow?????
In a nutshell, the atheistic, liberal, socialistic, & amoral philosophies & teachings of the last half of the 20th Century have been bearing fruit in America in ways we never imagined. All the past graduates of these schools of thought are now the politicians, bankers, teachers, lawyers, judges, movie stars, AND pastors across our land today. They are also your neighbor, your co-worker, your grocer, everyone you cross paths with daily. Most strikingly, they are also the person in the mirror you face each morning...You.
Sadly, the multitudes, and us individually, have no clue we were even brainwashed. We felt no pain, there was no torture, we accepted it blindly in our homes, our schools & colleges, our workplaces, our governments, and our churches & seminaries. No place we went left us unscathed, or not subtly encouraged to embrace these "free-thinking" lifestyles. And now, this is where it has brought us a nation of confused, directionless, self-serving leaders & followers. The blind leading the blind.
For those blessed to be freed from this bondage, and it is bondage, blessed to be released from this "Matrix" of the world system, blessed to walk from darkness into light, it is often amazing to comprehend the stark realization of being lied to about nearly everything. While foundational moral, spiritual & ethical principles are espoused, their true origin and ultimate conclusion are doubted, obscured, re-characterized, and redirected. What if everything you believed or thought you knew was a LIE????? What if all the bases of science, history, government, economics, social development & obligation, personal rights & responsibilities you have been taught, learned & embraced are nothing but lies at their core??? The simple answer to the matter is if any of these are not founded & built upon the truth of the Word of YHWH GOD, then they are lies built upon lies. In other words, if you leave God out of the equation, the solution fails.
For instance, as a life-long student of science & technology, I often use the reference of Galileo & Isaiah. In 700BC, Isaiah 40:22 stated,"It is He (YHWH God) that sits on the circle (or, orb) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; He stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in." Yet, in 1633AD, Galileo was tried for heresy against the Roman church and the science of the day. What this tells me is that science, religion and a church of that time were all wrong, but God is right & true from the beginning. If they (we) had believed God from the start, imagine how much further ahead earth exploration & science would be over the last 2700 years!!!! Furthermore, Galileo would have never been put on trial!! Scripture abounds in such scientific & historical, as well as spiritual, moral & ethical, facts, but few are they that glean the truth from its pages...
Over 4000 years ago, both Genesis 9:4 and Levitcus 17:11 state,"For the life of the flesh is in the blood." Yet for succeeding centuries, healers drained the blood out of people thinking this would allow illnesses to flow out. Later, doctors discovered the deathly folly of this practice, and that the exact opposite was the answer in many cases. Thus, perhaps unwittingly, they proved God's Word true again.
Europe was in its "Dark Ages" (6-14 centuries AD, over 800 yrs), due mainly in part to the shutting up of the Scriptures by the Roman church. No scientific, cultural, social or artistic
advances were made until the invention of the printing press by Johaness Gutenberg in 1452. And guess what the first book printed was??? The first mass produced printed book was the German Gutenberg Bible, based on the Latin edition from 380AD. People changed, lives changed, thinking changed as God's Word disseminated & embedded into their hearts & minds. Europe exploded in its Reformation. It was born anew.
A "Dark Age" has also taken over America, beginning over 40 years ago. The Scriptures & prayer in Jesus' name have also been shut up across our nation. The Bible is now ridiculed, blasphemed, misquoted, misunderstood, and belittled, as well as Christ Himself. Our governments, schools & businesses, even some churches, shun His Gospel, His instruction, His pardon and redemption. All "religions" are now deemed equal, any way & every way is a path to God. Men, women & children are left to their own imaginations to formulate their own morality, ethics, spirituality & righteousness. Is it any wonder our land is in such spiritual darkness, that men's hearts & minds are blackened with evil, corruption, malice and murder? And, each successive generation will be worse than the last...
My parting words for today's blog is to stand with the saints of old, and declare the eternal truth of all ages; "There is no God but YHWH (Yashua, Jesus), He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO man comes to the Father but by Him. There is no other name under Heaven given, whereby we MUST be saved (redeemed, made right with Him)!" Jer 10:10, Dan 2:28, Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12

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