Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wake Up, America !!?!?!!

Calls to arms (figuratively) & repentance toward Almighty God of Scripture seem to fall on deaf ears nowadays. While many true born again believers in Christ ARE waking up to the Holy Spirit's alarm bells, more than a few appear directionless and/or subdued inre what to do about it. The lost, degenerate world system and all its followers have sped up the pace to usher in the New World Order, the One World Economy & currency, and eventually, the One World Religion. No Bible believing, Christ loving, child of God can look at what's going on in the world today and not know that our Lord's Return is imminent. But in the meantime, spiritual warfare will intensify, become increasingly more violent & bloody, and wreak greater havoc upon the lives & souls of men, women & children all across the globe.
"Peace, Peace, Peace & Prosperity" is the mantra cry of world leaders, financial powerbrokers, and media pundits, and echoed by billions who depend upon them. In their minds, ergo, all their efforts are directed toward this end as the sole solution to mankind's preservation & future. Sadly, though, they've left out the One Person who IS the author of peace, God in Christ Himself. WHEN YOU LEAVE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION, THE SOLUTION FAILS...
The United States of America IS undergoing CHANGE, change she doesn't quite understand or comprehend, nor is she wholly prepared for. The fundamentals and foundations upon which she was built are eroding away beneath our feet and before our very eyes; Faith in God, national unity & independence, Constitutional adherence, personal liberty, freedom, property ownership, economic opportunity and self-determination, are all diminishing moment by moment. Very few Americans, or Christians, know what to do or how to prepare for the uncertainty, the upheaval, the devastation, the Godlessness, which will prevail across our land. The social, political, financial, economic AND spiritual calamities will destroy many in the months & years ahead.
In Washington, our leaders claim the worst is over, albeit, the road back to prosperity is rough, but we're showing signs of improvement. WHAT A FARCE! WHAT AN OUTRIGHT PACK OF LIES! In a courtroom, a judge would rule, "The truth is not in evidence!"
If you pay attention to not just the news, but dig deeper into documents provided by our gov't itself, and look around you, the picture is entirely different from the one they're painting: Unemployment, bankruptcies, foreclosures, homelessness, senseless crime & violence, cities & states collapsing, depression, obesity, disease, and hosts of other maladies have reached never before seen highs, and continue as such.
Those who've been listening & reading my thoughts for the last decade know I gave America roughly a 30 year timeline. So, now, we've got about 20 years +/- before we see our beloved nation implode. But, even in the meantime, we shall continue to see & experience radical & fundamental changes in how our country operates, functions, lives & breathes. One of the last "straws" is when the Gov't (no longer "ours") seizes all personal property; We will all belong to the "State". Taxation will have long passed being a viable means for gov't to regulate social engineering and monetize the American worker. Their indebtedness, greed, avarice & corruption will mandate greater control over every aspect of our existence...
The Watchman on the Wall is screaming out the warnings, but there's no reaction. The listless mass of zombies continue on as though they're blind and deaf...

US banks failure toll reaches 123 so far in 2009

FDIC Operating in the Red: "...a negative fund balance does not affect the FDIC’s ability to protect insured depositors or promptly resolve failed institutions,”                  

Pfizer to shutter six out of 20 R&D sites 

MBIA loses $728 million as slowdown hits bond insurer           Bond insurer pays $638.4 mln in third-quarter net claims on mortgage securities

Sprint to reduce up to 2,500 jobs by end of 2009

More Than Ever, You Can Say That on Television                        Profanity abounds EVEN before 9pm

10 states face looming budget disasters

Gold Futures Rise to Record on Dollar's Decline 

Shadow Government Statistics: Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting 


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