Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are You Mad Yet? Angry? Dismayed? Heartbroken? Voice Your Opinion


States Seek to Tax Services, From Head to Toe

Netanyahu humiliated after Obama 'dumped him for dinner' 

Americans condemn Obama's rudeness, reach out to Israel 

Households Facing Foreclosure Rose in 4th Quarter

U.S. Plans Big Expansion in Effort to Aid Homeowners

Bold U.S. Plan to Help Struggling Homeowners?

4 more banks shuttered; 2010 tally 41

Obama Bypasses Senate Process, Filling 15 Posts

With No Jobs, Plenty of Time for Tea Party


Where do we even begin? Are you beginning to realize how out of control our government and infrastructure has gotten? Can you see where we're headed? Has the impossible become the inevitable?

On Israel: I have long understood that as we approach the 'End of the Age of the Gentiles', and for the framework of the 'Great Tribulation' to come into being, Israel would have to be alone against the world. She will be forced into signing a peace treaty with the Anti-Christ because she has no other choice. America will no longer be the 'Big Brother' there to defend her. This means one of two things: 1) America is no longer an ally, but an enemy, or, 2) There is no more America to be an ally. Either way, America loses...

On America: As long as I have been crying out to those who would listen, to return to YHWH /Yahshua (Jesus), and stand for, and in, His Righteousness, I have continued to watched our nation sink deeper and deeper into the abyss. Our nation's cancer of spiritual adultery has spread and entrenched itself into every aspect of our existence; ourselves, our families, our communities, our churches, our businesses, and our governments. Everything we see going wrong in America can be traced back to our stubborn, hard-hearted rejection of Him and His Word. Whether by omission or commission, we have chosen our own way, and now, we are lost in the wilderness, destined for despair and destruction. Sure, there is and will be disparity in the measure of misery for each and every one, but ultimately, we'll all suffer in some form or fashion. As Israel was taken into slavery by Babylon, America has been taken into slavery by her own excesses and adultery. America WAS God's Light of the Gospel unto the world, but we allowed and chose our land to follow after other gods as a nation. We elected godless leaders to rule over us, we appointed godless judges to mete out treachery, not justice or Godly mercy. We've deemed our schools and universities to promote godless evolution, philosophy, socialism, and history. Our gov'ts and businesses are constantly mired in scandal from sexual infidelity and perversion to fraud, graft, and outright theft.

With each passing day, we're becoming a nation of desperation. As revenues keep falling and deficits keep rising, the gov't mindset continues to raise more taxes on EVERYTHING, and spend like there's no tomorrow. The lunacy of fiscal responsibility is as far as east is from west. The inevitable outcome most assuredly eludes even the sagest of politicians. City, county, and state gov'ts are cutting services and workers as our foundations (and cities) crumble. Our public education system is in shambles, not only from the quality aspect, but from school closings to teacher layoffs. Our civil liberties and freedoms are eroding away as the rust of sin and corruption eats away at our very souls.

It seems a foregone conclusion that as we continue this path of moral, ethical and spiritual decay, America, every entity; individuals, families, communities, gov'ts and businesses, will sink to depths of desperation unlike we've ever seen or experienced. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 was hailed as a monumental victory for democracy and capitalism, but what victory will we celebrate as America implodes? As many entertain the notion of economic turnaround, at the core we're setting the stage for the final collapse. We may coast along anemically for awhile longer, but from all the evidence, the snowball will likely become an avalanche around 2014. From then on, pray you're prepared for the worst. No, I'm not talking Armageddon, but an America you won't recognize and will regret living in...

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