Thursday, March 4, 2010

NYTimes: The Democrats’ Choice
Congressional Democrats can either move forward legislation to fix this country’s broken health care system or throw away a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

"The two most important points they — and all Americans — need to remember is that the Senate and House bills are fully paid for by tax revenues and budget savings, and both would reduce future deficits." -editorial

My reply:
I don't know what hallucinogen you're strung out on, but this is an epitome of fantasy. If you haven't realized that the Obama administration's and Congress' approach to healthcare reform is akin to the "blind men and the elephant", then add delusional to your list. As a 30yr contractor & consultant in the medical field, I know all too well we do have a healthcare crisis in this country. My clients cover the entire spectrum of all concerned parties, and I have seen & experienced the decimation across the board, except for government, insurance and drug companies. I'm not saying they're the cause, but they add to the problem. This crisis beast is a multi-headed fire breathing dragon, and the Washington mindset is to attack the tail. Do you know that 1000 hospitals have closed in America over the last twenty years? With nearly 400 more on life support? In 1960, there were 43 Detroit metro hospitals, today there are only 7. Doctors numbering in the tens of thousands have given up medicine due to outrageous malpractice insurance and lowball government reimbursement. No current legislation will address or remedy either of these ills, and they will continue unimpeded with or without Washington's reform efforts. So, what good is their concept and enactment of this "opportunity" if "adequate" healthcare isn't even available? Everyone, obviously, is missing the "big picture". How can you even expect more government interference (control), regulations and mandates to even begin to have any beneficial effect on the overall problem? It won't, it only compounds it, to the detriment of you & I as taxpayer and patient.
Furthermore, as a retired veteran who has occasionally used VA services, the VA is a first-hand "opportunity" to see & comprehend government run healthcare in action. It would require more space than I have here to even begin to outline this bureaucratic nightmare. Six months or more to even get a appointment to see a doctor is just the tip of the iceberg. Yes, you're really going to love Obamacare..., coming to a hospital or clinic near you. Oops, sorry, it closed down 3 months ago, they went broke... 

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