Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time for the People to take Charge; Fight for a Fair Tax.

Unless you're totally oblivious to all that goes on around you, or your money tree never loses its leaves, your total tax burden is creeping up past your waist. It won't stop at just your neck, eventually we'll all be underwater. As local, state & federal gov'ts have busted their budgets, and continue to see red for years to come, you & I, John & Jane Q. Taxpayer are their reluctant, benevolent benefactor, with their gun to our heads.
I'm more strict than HR25, The Fair Tax Resolution, I believe ALL taxation NEVER exceed 25%; local, state & Federal, including sales tax, estate tax, and every other excise fee. If we limited taxation to solely to a consumption tax on non-life essential expenditures (essentials being home, food, clothing, health), not only would prices of what we buy go down (no more embedded tax), but the heavy hand of gov't would diminish as well: No more IRS, no more budget crises, no more raising taxes, no more April madness, no more property seizure or tax evasion crimes. Actual consumption tax revenues would increase, corruption & fraud would decrease if lawmakers were held to task, dismissed and/or shut down if they fail to operate within their budgets. As with many other things, the best answer is the simplest, but not always the easiest...
Imagine if our gov't's had to operate strictly within their budgets, solely based upon consumption revenue. As I have STRONGLY stated before, all governments should and ONLY be the administrative arm of the governed. And, it only works when the governed are reared, taught & admonished to be a moral, ethical,
responsible, and hopefully, God-fearing people. History bears out this fact beyond all rebuttal.
"Where there is no vision (of YHWH's plan & purpose), the people perish; but he that keeps the (YHWH's) law, happy is he." Prov 29:18


U.S. Sales Tax Rates Hit Record High

Jobless Rate Rose in 30 States In January, Five Hit Records

Budget deficit sets record in February 

Program Will Pay Homeowners to Sell at a Loss

Looook how many zeroes in deficit now!

True figure exceeds world GDP by $10 trillion

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