Friday, February 27, 2009

On Hiatus, yet not faithless

Dear Readers,
I've taken a break this week for a variety of reasons: 1) It's time for spring lawn & garden preparation, 2) Kitchen renovation underway, 3) Mostly 'cause, I get tired of bad news too...
I've been warning of this tsunami for years in my own private way. I began publishing my thoughts online 6-7 years ago, and then here on this site last fall. I pray by some meager means I have helped or reached someone to come to Yashua the Mashiach (Jesus the Christ).
I'm not about religion. I'm not a religious person at all. In fact, I detest religion as we commonly know it. It is a burden, a yoke, and a blinder keeping people from the saving knowledge of GOD.
Truly, throughout history, it is the lack of faith in Yashua and mankind's own sinfulness which leads to destruction, misery & hopelessness. Any form of "religion" on man's part just compounds the malaise.
What is "sin"? It's a word the unregenerate mind hates to hear. These minds revulse at the mere mention of it. They want no part in considering it. Sin is our inherent rebellion against Almighty God, and our "missing the mark" of His righteousness. The Ten Commandments are akin to the high bar set at 100 feet in the air. No jumper or pole vaulter in the world can make or clear the bar in their own strength. Anyone who says they have or do is lying, pure & simple. The world's evidence of sin is & has been all around us and in us; murder, crime, envy, lust, thievery, debauchery, on & on. I too fall short each & every day, no matter how hard I try. Thank God the Father that Yashua the Son did it for me. Now, the life I live is gratitude for the price paid to clear that bar in my stead.
"For YHVH so loves the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone believing, [trusting] in Him SHALL not perish, but SHALL be having eternal life!" John 3:16
"For to me to live is Mashiach (Christ), and to die is gain."
Phil 1:21

We see our world in turmoil, a powder keg waiting to explode into utter chaos. One hair trigger away from collapse as we know it. The spiritual void around the world grows day by day. Economies, political & educational systems, social orders, businesses, homes & families are all poised over a precipice of doom, gloom & despair. Praise YHVH for our hope in Yashua.
The world is looking for a Savior, it always has been since time began. A Savior to rescue us from ourselves and our own destruction. Many don't even realize they're looking, they find their solace in wealth, religion, in alcohol, drugs or whatever temporal substitute they may embrace. Yet, in the end, none of it satisfies the emptiness of the human soul. Our Creator alone fills this void.
"YHVH declares, I will put My law in their inward parts, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Jer 31:33
I cannot make you see as YHVH sees, or change your heart & mind as only He can, this is a supernatural work of His Spirit. At best, I am an unworthy vessel of clay in the Potter's hands.
"O YHVH, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter, and we all are the work of Your hands." Is 64:8
In these days and the ones ahead, our first & foremost acts can only be repentance & prayer to Him. No other options will have any effect upon ourselves or our nation. No bailout, no stimulus, no government program, no charismatic leader, nor any other person or action can redeem our souls from the wages of our sin.
"By the name of Yashua the Messiah from Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead...Neither is there salvation or deliverance by any other: for there is NO other name under Heaven, or on Earth, given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:10-12
Let your prayer & repentance & faith to Yashua begin today...

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