Friday, February 27, 2009

Why Yashua?

Many may wonder why I use the Messiah's (Mashiach) name, "Yashua". Please allow me to provide a brief history & aleph-bet exposition:
1) There were no "J"s in the English language until 900 years ago. There were only "I"s used where we now see J's, and usually placed at the end of a word. J's as the first letter in a word in our language only appeared over 500 years ago.
2) There have NEVER been any J's in the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek alphabets. The original Greek transliteration of the Messiah's name, Iesous, evolved like this:

My thanks to for their excellent article:

3) Using English letter equivalents, "Yah" is the root name of God in the Hebrew Covenant (See Ps 68:4). "YHVH" are the letters used most often for God's name, hence YaHoVaH, or YaHVeH. There ARE NO vowels in the Hebrew aleph-bet, translators insert them as a matter of hierarchal pronunciation.
4) So, actually, our Savior's name is properly said, "Yahshua", which in essence means our "Creator God is our salvation". His proper name states His person, His position and His mission.

I, myself, have had a hard time undoing years of Western bias and tradition...and still do. We just don't realize how much pervades our thinking and influences our philosophies & beliefs. It is only through the teaching & guidance of the Spirit of Holiness (Ruach ha' Kodesh), that we begin to know the truth of God our Savior in Yahshua.
"But when that One comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will announce the coming things to you." John 16:13
I implore you to search the Scriptures for yourself. Allow the Spirit to teach you, even when our carnal nature fights against the things of God. YHVH, Yahshua will give you Peace that passes all understanding, yet you will know Him unlike ever before...
Blessings in Yahshua's name.

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