Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dear Readers,
Your interest & feedback in this blog is priceless. Whether by blog comment, email or phone call, every ounce of your input is well received. It tells me the ice is beginning to crack, and the Spirit is making strides to reach your heart &'re beginning to think.
If you've never questioned what you think you know & believe, then you're not much different than a well programmed robot. If you cannot justify, wholly & completely, WHY you believe what you WHAT believe, then maybe it's way past time to start questioning those long held tenets.
I have questioned everything...and still do. And, I've made my choice.
Nearly everything we as humans absorb into our hearts, minds & souls is the result of:
a) personal experience
b) heredity
c) environment
and most often, d) what we've heard, read or been taught by someone else.
Thus, in the grand scheme of things, it's not WHAT we believe, but WHO we believe.
For those who consider me a fairly intelligent individual..........thank you.
For those who consider me a nut, I thank you too :)
I do not ask that you agree with me. My mission is to challenge you, provoke you, inspire you, but overall, to make you think.
Then, when all the flotsam is scraped away, and we get down to the nitty gritty of LIFE, one fact stands paramount above all else: NO ONE GETS OUT OF THIS WORLD ALIVE! WE ALL DIE, PHYSICALLY
Our mortality is inevitable and unavoidable, - so we must face it if we have the opportunity. Death's arrival catches all too many completely unawares, but it doesn't change the BIG PICTURE.
The world & mankind have spawned and perpetuated many a rumor, speculation, philosophy, and religion in their histories, even to this day.
So, whether you're atheist, agnostic, religious, or just plain clueless, YHVH (GOD) says you're a FOOL. Not me, that Book which declares it is the work of our Creator, the HOLY BIBLE states:
"The fool says in his heart, There is no GOD." Ps 53:1
Scripture, that Word of YHVH from Genesis to Revelation, has always been consistent and emphatic in what it teaches:
"It is appointed unto all people once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb 9:27
ALL people are sinners (rebellious against YHVH), by nature and by practice:
"For all sin, and continually fail to measure up to the glory of YHVH." Rom 3:23
And there is a price, a wage, a result for this (mankind's) failure:
"For the wages of sin is eternal death (separation from all YHVH is and provides); Rom 6:23a
Thankfully, there is a way out, and it costs us nothing:
"but the free gift of God is life eternal, through our Lord YASHUA the Messiah." Rom 6:23b
When we (you and I) receive the Person and work of Yashua the Messiah (the Gospel) on our behalf, the gift is ours completely and unreservedly.
" all who receive him, even to those believing in (trusting, relying upon) his name, he gives the authority to be children of YHVH." Jn 1:12

I cannot make the meaning of LIFE any simpler than this. All I write in a spiritual & Scriptural context, is solely based on the above premise. GOD cannot make it any simpler.
I stand in line behind the multitude of saints of all the ages, and echo the words of the Apostle Paul, and King David:
"Yashua the Messiah died for our sins according to the Scriptures; He was buried, and He rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures." I Cor 15:3-4
"for I KNOW WHOM I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." II Tim 1:12
"Looking unto Yashua, our Salvation, our God & Lord, the author & finisher of our faith." Heb 12:2
"For you (YHVH) will not leave my (David's) soul in hell; neither will you allow your Holy One (Yashua the Messiah) to see corruption." Ps 16:10
"YHVH said unto my Lord (Yashua our Master, Messiah), Sit at my right hand, until I place Your enemies as Your footstool." Ps 110:1

Who is your God? Your Salvation? Who rules your life? Are you the fool YHVH speaks of?
I rest my case. The evidence is submitted. You, the jury, decide. What say you?


Closure Friday Continues: Feds shut banks in Georgia, Colorado, Kansas; Credit Unions

GA Rep. Lewis: Bailed-out firms owe millions in taxes

Judge Blocks Rule Permitting Concealed Guns In U.S. Parks

Federal Budget outlook sees slow growth, few jobs, more red ink

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