Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Government Lies - Didn't We Already Know?

Senator Specter may have let the cat out of the bag. But, even while he is virtually telling us that our gov't has been lying to us all these months, he downplays their role in exacerbating this mess. "We're from the gov't, and we're here to help." The most feared words in the English language...Ronald Reagan
Government statistics on every front have been skewed, brewed & barbecued to lessen the panic or impact on the American psyche at large. GDP, GNP, unemployment, inflation, & deficits have all been filtered through rose-colored carbon to make them appear less alarming than they really are. Specter's words give us an inkling as to the panic in Washington & Wall St. which led to their hasty, ill-conceived ideas and actions. Why else would our gov't put our nation so at risk in debt just to put a finger in the dike? While, in truth, the dike is gushing out so many holes, so fast, we've run out of fingers.
The divisiveness of our nation is becoming more evident each day. We're either doomsdayers or naysayers, optimists or pessimists, left-wing or right wing, Obamamaniacs or the unconverted.
Never in America's history have we set such a path of ruin & destruction, and run headlong off the cliff.


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