Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What I want...

To lay bare one's innermost thoughts & feelings is also to give predators free access to attack. But, to know one's own heart and mind and not be ashamed to speak your mind, say what you mean and mean what you say, is no less than to walk uprightly before an Almighty God.
What I want is a land, a nation, a people, where the righteousness of God is the rule, not the exception. I want a land where good works fill the evening news, not crime and corruption. I want a nation where the Spirit of God rules & reigns in our hearts, and thus is the law established, not by courts and legislatures. I want a people zealous for Christ, and for one another, in that doors need not be locked, streets are walked fearlessly, noone goes hungry or unclothed, and neighbor greets & helps neighbor, stranger or not.
Sadly, I know this will never happen until Christ's Millennial Reign. Sometimes I wonder why we even try...
To say America is a nation of laws, and not of men is a strong delusion. Laws do not change us, nor do they instill morality, nor rectitude. Laws give rise to fear, rebellion, and even more lawlessness. Laws become ever more constricting fences, bars, cages and prisons, stripping freedom, liberty and justice for all, from all. Only the love of Christ sets us free, free indeed, to live as we should, not as we please...
Our forefathers had this vision for our nation, not one of Heaven on earth, but of a stronghold of faith and righteousness until His Return. A nation that would be a beacon of light into the world's darkness of sin and unbelief. America established more schools, universities and seminaries to teach people to read the Bible, train pastors, evangelists, missionaries, scientists, doctors, nurses & teachers, and spread the Good News, than the world has ever seen. And, America prospered faster, more richly, than any nation in history. But, tragically, we left the doors open as we sent them all out, and the Adversary sneaked in...
Within a few generations, apostasy, division, unbelief, idolatry and spiritual adultery had supplanted all we had hoped & worked for. In less than 250 years, America has become the Gentile version of Israel, gone after other gods, steeped in self-worship, and lost in spiritual wilderness.
It has become self-evident, not only in the aforementioned, but now in our businesses, our governments, our homes, and our churches. We may be winning some battles, but we're losing the war for the soul of America.
YHWH, Yahshua is forgotten & unknown to many, the Bible treated with either disregard or contempt. Believers in Christ are ridiculed, dismissed, irrelevant, even persecuted. It wasn't always so...
Knowing what you know, seeing what you see, can America be saved? Will God redeem our nation? Can we continue the good fight, or is it hopeless & futile? Obviously, as any faithful steward & soldier of Christ we must declare, "YES! We must be about our Master's business!""If we perish, we perish!"
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Yahshua the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of YHWH." Heb 12:1-2


Party Gridlock in Washington Feeds New Fear of a Debt Crisis 

Oops! Obama tells another nativity fib? 

Britain's Unemployment Curse; Jobless Claims Rise 

Japan Posts GDP Growth, but ROI keeps dropping 

2010 bank failure tally now at 16

Unemployment Report: February 5, 2010

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

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