Friday, February 26, 2010

Yahshua/YHWH/GOD is an extremist...

By the world's standards, in all of its history, in every civilization, since the beginning of YHWH's revelation to Adam, God's standards are extreme. From His inscribing of the Ten Commandments to Yahshua's proclamation, "Love your neighbor as yourself!", the comparison to mankind's philosophies, concocted religions, and self-regulation is like a pole vaulter attempting a 100ft crossbar with only a 20ft pole. Man, in his inherent sinful, rebellious nature, could NEVER consistently, or even, successfully meet or match YHWH's high mark. Such as it was and is in YHWH's grand plan for us to see and understand, we cannot meet or clear the bar (The Law) in our own efforts (our 20ft pole). In learning, understanding and knowing our inadequacy before our Holy, Righteous Creator God, it would seem wholly apparent that we should look outside ourselves for the means by which to meet YHWH's demands of the Law. Hence, we need only to look unto Yahshua the Messiah (albeit, our 100ft pole). As the Apostle Paul stated, "Wherefore the law was (is) our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Messiah, that we might be justified by faith." Gal 3:24
Simple as it is, God's Plan goes largely ignored, scoffed, ridiculed, blasphemed, but mostly, unbelieved. Yet, it is because of just such that mankind's continued self-deceit, hatred, wars, political, economic and social turmoil, disease, and more, prevail throughout his existence. Furthermore, through the "higher learning" of secular, humanistic (Godless) education, recent generations around the world have wholly embraced evolutionary theory as "Gospel" truth, denying any Creator involvement. Ergo, since we have no accountability to any Creator, man's imaginations are free to think and do whatever he pleases without consequence. But Yahshua states, "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." Matt 12:36, Paul also reiterates, "So then every one of us shall give account of himself unto YHWH." Rom 14:12 Those in spiritual power are no less held to task, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they must give account..." Heb 13:17
In today's world, to the conscientious observer, it should have long become apparent that most nations and all of its peoples have exchanged principles, morals, ethics and reverence for YHWH, for expediency, greed, political correctness, and instant self-gratification. The confusing dilemma for Believers and non alike has arisen from the constant blurring and mixing of half-truths & outright lies with revealed Truth, and denial in both camps. The rightness or wrongness of issues such as honesty, integrity, character, self-defense and holiness, versus abortion, murder, stealing, adultery, fornication, same sex marriage and homosexuality, plague societies where no moral absolutes exist. The foremost two commandments, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself", don't even seem to enter into consideration. OH, HOW WE MISS THE BIG PICTURE!!! We scrabble, fuss and fight over the speck in another's eyes, yet completely ignore and disregard the BEAM in our own!
Sadly enough, many well-meaning and well intentioned named Christians cloud the issues further by either not taking a stand, taking a un-Biblical or mis-informed stand, parroting man-made dogma, or attempting to bind others with legalism. Legalism in the Biblical sense is no different than in the secular sense. Man has NEVER been able to instill correct moral behavior through legislation! The concept of "social engineering" through enacting manipulative laws is nothing new, it only prods the unregenerate mind to conceive new ways to circumvent the new locks on his cage. It's only through our received freedom in Christ that the shackles fall away, and the NEW man stands upright, justified, and righteous before both YHWH and man. Although, truly standing on God's Word in violation of man's edicts has often resulted in getting you fined, imprisoned or killed...
Allow me to address another matter near and dear to my heart,...Israel. As the relationship between the US and Israeli governments grows more tenuous each passing day, the need for Believer's prayers and support for both has never been more important. How many of us realize the hidden Islamic agenda behind the saber rattling of the Palestinians? The fight for Jerusalem, and the surrounding cities of Bethlehem, Jericho, Samaria and Hebron can only escalate as Iranian military muscle incites the Muslim populations within Israel. The United States position of siding with the Palestinians against the Israeli government and people can only come to no good, especially for America. How would you take to the Chinese demanding no Americans build homes in predominate Chinese suburbs of our cities? I heartily invite you to read the first news article below.


'Solomon's walls' stir Palestinian fury

In Greece’s Crisis, Fed Studies Wall St.’s Activities

Swiss face 'holy war' with Gadhafi's Libya



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