Thursday, February 11, 2010

What in the World????? Making Sense of Chaos

For nearly ten years I've been painting online a panoramic picture of national & world economic, political and social events, in light of Scripture, in hope some would wake up to what's happening before our eyes. While a few have shaken their stupor, most seem still asleep, in a trance, or oblivious. Not to be critical, but taking up the banner of political conservatism and activism is not the answer, not in and of itself. In some ways, it's adding to what's going to happen.
As the years of spiritual adultery, idolatry, greed, lust and waywardness have piled up, the End Times prophecies are rapidly unfolding and fulfilling in our lifetimes. The world and all its nations are poised and positioned for the global geo-political, geo-economic alignment as YHWH foretold. Many say things are continuing just as they always have since the dawn of man. This tells me they don't know history, don't know Scripture, don't know the heart of man, and choose not to see...there's none so blind.
Let's take a quick recap of world history for the last century:

America - a daughter of the "king of the west". Many historians have been claiming for forty-plus years that America was past her prime and in decline, maybe, we should have paid more attention. Ever since the advent of credit cards and 30-year mortgages, the American economy has been built and become dependent upon spending & credit, to the tune of 70%. Manufacturing, textile and steel industries here have all but disappeared. Companies have closed down and/or out-sourced to the point of over 30Million Americans unemployed or under-employed. Wild swings in the stock markets have become almost a daily occurrence. Over the last 20 years, 1,000 hospitals have closed across America , with 400 more on life support. 60Million Americans are either uninsured or under-insured medically. Our political, government, education, and judicial systems are irretrievably broken due to waste, in-fighting, greed and corruption. All levels of government have amassed a burden of debt which has put America into bankruptcy, yet we're only sustained by more credit and more debt. The warnings of higher taxation, dollar collapse and hyper-inflation go largely ignored. There are many, many more signs of our increased weakness and decreased credibility, not to mention internationally and militarily. It is my estimation that America has less than 20 years as a major world power, and will implode upon her own excesses.

Europe - Much the same can be said of the European Union, the "king of the west". They have followed in our footsteps, and even out-paced us in socializing their governments and economic systems. But now, their debt has lined up nation after nation, like dominoes, poised to default: Iceland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, the former Soviet bloc nations are all bankrupt. Riots and political unrest go unreported to the west in order not to spark further mob hysteria. The final outcome of Europe for the future appears to be moving toward greater centralized control, even to the absorption of nations out of existence, as the Revived Roman Empire takes shape fulfilling God's prophecy.

The moral & spiritual decline of both America & Europe cannot be understated. The 20th Century was the bloodiest and deadliest in human history. Despots, dictators, tyrants and megalomaniacs killed untold millions in their quest for domination. The amount of human tragedy cannot be measured. Meanwhile, traditional, historic Christianity & church attendance retraction, increased fringe religions, apostasy, atheism, liberalism, drug use, crime (white collar, blue collar, no collar), the rise of Islam, along with its radical terrorist faction, social ills such as divorce, unmarried pregnancy, homosexuality, perversion, materialism are all slowly killing the soul & spirit of these once great entities. National sovereignty has never been so tenuous. And once again, Bible prophecy manifests itself on track and on time. The 21st Century is promised to be even more prophetic...

China - The once slumbering, sleeping giant has awakened, and is asserting global muscle & power unlike ever before in its 3000+ year history. The "king of the east" is now in position to strong-arm the rest of the world politically, economically and militarily. Its alliances with the "king of the south" (Islamic nations) now threaten both America and Europe to the extent they(we) have no real option to counter China's dominance, expansion and outreach. China could very well, and most likely will, absorb the entire far eastern world, and no one is able to stop it. 

RussiaAfter the failed 70 year experiment and collapse of Communism, economic chaos, and near dissolution as a world power, Russia has resorted to totalitarianism to regain her former glory. And, though diminished in size and might, Russia is still the "king of the north" from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic Ocean. The Russian alliance with the Islamic Republics, "king of the south", will supplant China, but it seems they will come to some kind of workable solution for the foreseeable future.

The Middle East - The Islamic Republics, the "king of the south". Volumes could be written on these nations, but suffice to say, they are no longer third world pity parties. From Syria to India, these countries are armed and dangerous to the teeth. And we, Russia and China gloated & profited for decades in their rise to power by supplying them arms, and becoming dependent upon their oil. But, even more so, these Muslim nations are radically, fundamentally alien in their philosophy, politics, religion and practice to the western world. While 93% of Muslims claim to be peaceful, the 7% radical Islam fundamentalists control the governments in nearly every one of these countries. So, with 1Billion Muslims worldwide, the 7million potential and kinetic Islamic terrorists, armed with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, are on a mission of jihad to subdue and overthrow America and Europe by whatever means necessary. Then, in their minds, they will be unstoppable to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and every living Jew they can identify. Finally, their re-unification into the former glory of the Islamic Caliphate will be complete, and the path for the return of their 12th Imam is made ready. 
But mark God's Word, Yahshua(Jesus) will not allow Israel to be destroyed, so they are in for a most rude awakening...

Yes, this is all very scary stuff, and may seem fictitious & surreal as you sit in your office, or rest at home on your sofa. It may appear far removed from your everyday reality as you go to work, come home, eat your meals, pay your bills, go shopping, or take your vacations. Just because your life has been mundane, orderly, predictable, comfortable, or exciting in your own existence for however long, do not think for a moment it is destined to always be so. Things are changing dramatically almost moment by moment, and even our planet is gearing up for the End Times. Geo-physical events, climate extremes, "natural" calamities, i.e., floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, record snowfalls, rainfalls, heat & cold, will become the new "normals" in the days, months, years to come. The earth's "labor pains" are increasing in frequency and intensity. Yet, mankind will continue to revel in his sin and rebellion against YHWH, and even moreso, as it was in the days of Noe.
There will be another major war in the Middle East soon. Russia and the Islamic Republics will march against Israel, and there's no reason not to think nuclear bombs won't be used. Iran has accelerated its pursuit of nuclear weapons while thumbing their nose at the US, Europe, and the United Nations. But, they will go down in defeat, just as God has promised. Obviously, before this war happens, America is not the world's policeman any longer, and will not have any major role on the world stage. America's fate and future will pretty much be decided in the next 10-15 years.
I seriously doubt any of us can truly physically & mentally prepare for what's ahead. But, spiritual preparation is only a prayer away, and is the only real preparation we can make. If you haven't prayed to receive God in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, then do so, and none of this will affect your treasure with Him, in Him for all eternity...

_________________Breaking News__________________
In Your Face:Ahmadinejad declares Iran 'nuclear' nation
Meanwhile, Irani militia squashes riots, protests in Tehran

Next in Line for a Bailout: Social Security                                                 We're not waiting for 2015, $28Billion in the red by Sep 30, 2010

Smaller banks at risk as commercial real estate falters

January foreclosures up 15%; Surge expected

Syria debates attacks against Israel at Iran's goading

Michigan Union Forces Dues on Home Childcare Providers

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