Monday, August 31, 2009

The U S & Banks; A Taxpayer Shell Game, We Lose

Banks Repay Bailout Money, US Sees Profit(?)
$4Billion Reclaimed, Where does it go?

This is where you really want to pause...who really profits, and who's cookin' the books? Let's see here:

Federal banking regulators are bracing for hundreds of small and medium-size banks to collapse in the coming months. Banks are burdened with billions of dollars of bad loans made over the last few years and are continuing to set aside more money to cover losses. In fact, credit loss rates reached a record high in the second quarter.
Over all, banks charged off $48.9 billion, or 2.55 percent of assets, nearly twice the levels the industry reported last year.

Do the math, that's pretty much a washout for the 2Q that doesn't even begin to cover the banks past & future losses.

FDIC Risks $80B in Loss Share Agreements (8/30/09)

Raft of Deals for Failed Banks Puts U.S. on Hook for Billions(WSJ)

Here's two accountings of what's really been going on...

Bank Failures and FDIC Fund Losses (8/26/09)

Failed Banks and the Deposit Insurance Fund (8/22/09)

The graph shows FDIC losses from Mar '07 - Mar '09 is $37.7Billion, with at least $3.7Billion more to date.

Call me a simpleton, but I fail to see profit as I understand it. I see huge losses, covered by John Q Taxpayer, past, present & future. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve does whatever, with whomever it wants, without any public oversight. It is fighting public disclosure of secret bank loans tooth & nail:

Federal Reserve Board fights to keep its secrets

Never in American history has the US Gov't been so isolated & removed from the public it is supposed to serve. A governance of lies, secrecy & deception is now the order of the day. "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."

"Moreover it is required in stewards (managers, public servants), that a man be found faithful."     I Cor 4:2


Saturday, August 29, 2009

You Gotta See This!!!

If there was any question in your mind that this is not the America, Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, of our Forefathers, this video removes all doubt. If the words & mindset of our law enforcement are as such, you have to know it comes from the top down. Lord, please help us...

Officer Does Not Like anti-Obama Poster: "It ain't [America] no more, OK?"

Fri, Aug 28 '09;Three More Banks Fail, This Years' Total 84

Toyota Closes Fremont, CA "NUMMI" Plant, 19,000 to lose jobs 

Whirlpool Closes Indiana Plant; 1100 Lose Job

Friday, August 28, 2009

What are they smokin'???

Somewhere in these headlines there is a supposition this all is good news. Tell that to the nearly 30 million now unemployed, under-employed & those who've fallen off the charts. Tell this to the banks & their employees getting ready to lose their jobs, and to all the sub-contractor businesses who support them. 570,000 a month!? And this has been going on nearly a year...let's see, 8 X 500,000-600,000 a month, avg. 550,000, that's roughly 4.5Million this year alone!!! But we know how our government under-reports these figures...
Of course the numbers will lessen over time, idiots! There are fewer employed people left to lose their jobs!

FDIC: Troubled Banks Rise to 416, $Billions more at risk
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Thursday that the number of troubled banks rose to 416 at the end of June from 305 at the end of March. FDIC said this is the largest number of banks on its "problem list" since June 30, 1994, when 434 banks were on the list. Assets at troubled banks totaled $299.8 billion, the highest level since Dec. 31, 1993, the agency said. Banks insured by the FDIC swung to a total quarterly loss of $3.7 billion from last year when they reported a total profit of $4.8 billion. Total reserves of the Deposit Insurance Fund stood at $42 billion, with the contingent loss reserve falling to $10.4 billion from $13 billion over the second quarter. 

We're being told to have "faith" in the system. This is all part of the historical cycles we can count on...we'll come back stronger than ever. Someone deep inside me says America's "faith" is sorely misplaced. And, the facts certainly bear this out...

"If you declare with your mouth that Yashua (Jesus) is Lord (Almighty God & Savior), and believe in your heart that God (the Father) raised him from the dead, you will be saved...For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (Yashua, Jesus) will be saved." Rom 10:9,13
Salvation, redemption is an instantaneous and continual process...
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Yahushua the Messiah." Phil 1:6

Monday, August 24, 2009

News You Didn't Want to Know

Most mornings, I scour the news services finding the obscure reports that don't make front page headlines. If, like many people, you get much of your news from television, radio, and mainline internet portals, these articles are not glaringly reported. Yet, they tell us more important things that go largely ignored or overlooked.
While any of us certainly appreciate confirmation & validation in what we think and/or feel, the truth of the matter is the truth itself, not in our perception, feelings & attitudes about it. I leave no doubt as to my supposition America is in DEEP TROUBLE. And, while the politicians, pundits & mainstream media show & tell you the "house" is fine, beautiful & sound by its showy exterior, I am the independent "house" inspector...I point out the cracked & deteriorating foundation, the termite infestation & damage, the rotting wood, the moldy & mildewed interior walls. Buyer beware, if you're swallowing their sales pitch. This is no mere fixer-upper, this "house" should be condemned...
Wall St.'s Big, Dirty Secret (See below) may surprise you given the recent index rise. To know it was all done by computer manipulation & speculation, should make you MAD as heck, and just as suspicious. And, given that the FDIC is broke (See below), all our savings & 401K's are just smoke & mirrors. Maybe the machines have taken over...

_______________NEWS & OPINION________________

New deficit projections pose risks to Obama's agenda: $20T By 2019

Millions face shrinking Social Security payments

The FDIC is broke
Exclusive: Vox Day proves there's no deposit insurance on your bank account

Posted: August 24, 2009, 1:00 am Eastern
By Vox Day

The two hallmarks of the Great Depression were unemployment and bank failures. While the same economists who denied there was a recession for the first nine months of the economic contraction are now insisting that it is over and the recovery has begun, I am extremely dubious. Since the crisis became apparent, I believed that 2009 would be the equivalent of 1930, that being the year that everyone expected recovery to be waiting around the corner. But while there are some statistical green shoots, there are also numerous signs that the perceived recovery is illusory, and in fact, the economic situation is more dire now than it was 79 years ago.

In the first year of the Great Depression, unemployment reached 8.7 percent. The present unemployment rate is 9.4 percent. As I have shown previously in this column, bank failures in 2008 and 2009 are also worse than they were in 1930 and 1931 when measured in terms of bank deposits rather than the number of banks. Since that July column was published five weeks ago, 28 more banks have failed and driven the percentage of failed bank deposits up to one percent, which is more than I'd projected for all of 2009. At the current rate, bank failures over the last two years will equal 4.65 percent of total bank deposits, which is more than twice the two percent of failed deposits in 1930 and 1931.

Despite these widespread banking collapses, the American public has remained relatively quiescent, mostly because they believe their deposits are safely insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The problem is that the FDIC has now run out of money; the losses caused by the 81 bank failures this year has completely exhausted the Deposit Insurance Fund. At the beginning of 2008, the DIF had a balance of $52.8 billion. At the end of the year, during which 25 banks failed and caused $17.9 billion in FDIC-estimated losses, the fund was down to $17.3 billion.

At this point, I should mention that some observers of the banking system are careful to point out that it's not correct to simply subtract estimated losses from the reported DIF balance because the FDIC brings in money every quarter through the insurance premiums it charges. This is true, but on the other hand, it's even more important to remember that estimated losses reported are merely estimates. An examination of the last five quarters shows that the net impact of a bank failure on the DIF balance is approximately twice the level of the estimated losses. For example, the $2.3 billion in estimated losses from the 21 bank failures reported during the first quarter further reduced the insurance fund by $4.3 billion, to $13 billion. What has happened since then can be seen in the chart below, which shows the FDIC's running fund balance with each of the subsequent 60 bank failures that occurred after March. The blue bars are based on estimated losses reported, while the red bars are based upon projected fund balance reductions, which over the last five quarters have been 1.94 times greater than the estimated losses.

While the FDIC does have the ability to borrow money from the U.S. Treasury, the chart shows that for the first time in its history, it has been forced to tap its $30 billion credit line. And while Congress can elect to intervene and bail out the FDIC as it bailed out the banks and other institutions, contrary to most depositors' assumptions, it is under no obligation to do so. An advisory opinion posted on the FDIC's own site makes it clear that the so-called federal guarantee is nothing more than non-binding reassurance made for the public's benefit.

"[A] joint resolution of Congress (H.R. Con. Res. 290) adopted in March 1982, which reaffirmed that the United States pledges its full faith and credit behind the federal deposit insurance funds, may have served as a moral pledge on the part of Congress to support the deposit insurance funds should they ever need it, but, because of its status as a non-binding resolution, did not serve to create any legal liability on the part of the United States Government to support the funds. … it is our opinion that Title IX of CEBA merely represents an expression of the intent of Congress to support the FDIC's deposit insurance fund should the need arise.

Full Faith and Credit of U.S. Government Behind the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund

If there is one thing that has been made clear by the response of the monetary and fiscal authorities to the economic crisis, it is that they will not lift a finger to help the general public. When they could have spent millions to prevent homeowners with mortgages from falling into default and foreclosure, they instead chose to spend billions to reduce the impact of the failed mortgages on the giant zombie banks. If one looks closely at the mechanisms underlying the Homeowner Stability Initiative, the Making Home Affordable plan and the Cash for Clunkers program, one will see that they are not designed to help the homeowner or the car buyer, but rather the banks that finance the purchases.

Given recent history, it would appear to be most unwise to assume that the federal government will do much more than permit the FDIC to borrow the additional $70 billion by which its credit line was increased in May, especially should depositors become aware of the increasingly fragile state of the banking system and begin to withdraw their funds from it. Banking holidays and other restrictions on the public's ability to access its money are probably more likely than an outright bailout, especially since a bailout will cost around $225 billion merely to maintain the status quo if Meredith Whitney's calculation of 300 bank failures is correct. In any case, the ability to ask permission to borrow from an unpredictable institution already $11.7 trillion in debt and expecting a further $9 trillion in deficits is not insurance nor can it reasonably be described as a guarantee of any kind.

United States: 'Too big to fail'?
William J. Murray warns, history full of great nations, empires that collapsed

William J. Murray is the chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based Religious Freedom Coalition.

AIG, the largest insurance company in the world has been bailed out by taxpayers three times. Although it was "too big to fail," it failed. General Motors, also "too big to fail," went into bankruptcy. The great Merrill Lynch brokerage went belly up, but was saved by the taxpayers and given to Bank of America by the Bush administration. In turn, Bank of America had to be bailed out by taxpayers. Citibank has been bailed out more than once, as have other banks that were "too big to fail."

The Soviet Union is gone. In the 1960s and 1970s, the CIA reported that this massive nation that covered almost one-third of the land area of the world was just "too big to fail." Presidents were told by our security agencies that America would face this daunting enemy for generations. By the 1990s the Soviet Union was in the trash heap of history. A nation "too big to fail" had failed, and had broken apart into numerous smaller states that began battling each other.

History is full of nations and empires that were "too big to fail." The Roman Empire is gone; the Holy Roman Empire is gone; the Byzantine Empire is gone. The great British Empire on which "the sun never set" is now a tiny Island in near bankruptcy.

But don't worry: The United States is "too big to fail."

The United States no longer has a real manufacturing base, and almost 90 percent of the economy is based on consumption, mostly of imported goods. But don't worry, our leaders say that the American consumer society is so big it can't fail. The leadership believes that the Chinese and the Saudi royals will continue to loan us money to consume because our nation and our economy are just "too big to fail." Congress and the president believe that the leaders of rich nations understand they must bail out America from time to time, sort of the way American taxpayers had to bail out AIG, GM, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citibank and others.

Denial is not a river in Egypt. Denial is the state in which the American people and the American leadership live. The trillions of dollars the Bush and Obama administrations have spent to "stimulate" the economy have to be paid back from the future income of taxpayers. Translation: Our children and grandchildren are yoked to a huge debt they cannot possibly repay. Far from being too big to fail, the United States has become too big to survive.

The American problem is not just debt, it is the sheer size of the government. The federal government is so involved in so many of the aspects of the everyday life of Americans that it simply cannot keep track of its own activities, or of how much is spent or even how it is actually spent.

I was present in the Soviet Union for the coup and for the Great Collapse. Soviet communism failed because of the size of government. As a nation the Soviet Union simply could not afford to pay all of the accumulated debt, pensions and health care, and also spy on all dissidents and field an army. Despite being an oil rich nation, the Soviet Union collapsed because of central planning and the inability to pay its obligations. Rather than being too big to fail, it was so big it had to fail.

Having witnessed the Soviet failure firsthand, the parallels with the current path of the United States are all too clear. The more the federal government does, the greater its role in our lives, the greater its debt, the higher the taxes, the greater the central planning – the closer we are to failure as a nation-state.

Fortunately the people of the Untied States have a safety net in the individual states. Once our "too big to fail" federal government defaults and fails, the various states will still remain functioning democratic entities. The states will be able to provide the core services needed by the people, including law enforcement and education. When will this happen? Soon enough that state governments should be planning now for the possibility.


The Man Who Sells America’s I.O.U.’s

WASHINGTON — The brightly illuminated room looks like mission control for a space flight. Seven people, wearing headphones, stare intently at computer screens. Three minutes before the deadline, a disembodied voice exclaims, “We have coverage.”

This is no shuttle launch. It is an auction of United States Treasury securities, and $32 billion has just been sold in a blink. It was another successful operation for Van Zeck, the commissioner of the public debt, who has the world’s biggest credit card.

Mr. Zeck has worked for the federal government for 38 of his 60 years. He is a very busy man these days because the government is floating on a sea of red ink, as it borrows more and more money to stimulate the economy, bail out banks, shore up auto companies, aid struggling homeowners and fight foreign wars.

In a city full of pompous politicians and bombastic bureaucrats, Mr. Zeck quietly runs one of the government’s truly indispensable operations. He is not a policy maker. He does not decide how much to borrow. He just makes sure the money is borrowed, in a regular and predictable way, at the lowest possible cost to the government over time.

“We are the back office, the plumbing,” Mr. Zeck said. “We are borrowing a ton of money. It has to be done right.”

Public attention will focus on the debt this week because the White House and the Congressional Budget Office plan to issue dueling estimates of federal spending and revenue for the next 10 years. In a preview, the White House said Friday that it saw the cumulative total of deficits over the next 10 years adding up to $9 trillion, or $2 trillion more than it anticipated in February. That means much more government borrowing.

Last year alone, Mr. Zeck auctioned off $5.5 trillion of Treasury securities, to replace maturing debt and to meet new borrowing needs. Wall Street dealers expect the figure to exceed $8 trillion this year — an average of more than $253,000 every second.

In the first eight months of the current fiscal year, the government issued more Treasury bills, notes and bonds than in all of last year. Mr. Zeck expects to conduct more than 280 auctions this year, up from 263 last year and about 220 a year from 2004 to 2007.

Mr. Zeck and his colleagues have a passion for precision. They keep track of federal debt to the penny.

Debt held by the public stood at $3.4 trillion when President George W. Bush took office in 2001. When President Obama was inaugurated in January, the debt was $6.3 trillion. Since then, it has grown by $1 trillion, to $7.3 trillion.

When Mr. Zeck tells people he works at the Bureau of the Public Debt, he said, they often quip, “You will have work forever.”

Even when the economy begins to expand, the bureau will still have plenty to do, as tax receipts typically lag in a recovery. Moreover, the government will need to borrow money to help finance entitlement programs for baby boomers.

Mr. Obama’s budget predicts that debt held by the public will soar, exceeding 60 percent of the gross domestic product in a few years. The share has never exceeded 50 percent in the last 50 years.

“Debt as a percentage of G.D.P. is rising and nearing a postwar high,” the Treasury said this month.

Treasury auctions are an arcane business, and Mr. Zeck runs them so smoothly that Treasury secretaries and Congress rarely interfere. Mr. Zeck said he had not been called to testify before Congress in about 15 years.

Other agencies have lost track of large sums because their financial records were a mess. “That’s just not acceptable to us,” Mr. Zeck said.

Referring to the accountants who keep a daily tally of the federal debt, Mr. Zeck said: “These are people who reconcile their checkbooks. The idea of missing a penny would drive them crazy.”

Treasury auctions have become larger and more frequent. The auction calendar is extremely crowded. On almost every work day, the Treasury is announcing, conducting or settling auctions.

“Historically,” Mr. Zeck said, “we did not do auctions on Fridays. But now we are doing some.”

In February, the Treasury announced it was bringing back the seven-year note, for the first time since 1993, and it doubled the number of 30-year bond auctions, to eight a year. Just three months later, it announced a further increase in the frequency of 30-year bond auctions, to 12 a year.

On Aug. 5, the Treasury told investors they “should expect auction sizes to continue to rise in a gradual manner over the medium term.”

When Treasury officials plan these auctions, they try to keep the size and mix of securities predictable for investors and prevent any surprises that could disrupt the market and thereby increase borrowing costs.

Mr. Zeck, who received the government’s highest civil service award 10 years ago, borrows huge sums from big investors on Wall Street and around the world. But he is also mindful of small investors who entrust their retirement savings to the government.

“We have a fiduciary responsibility to individuals who have invested $1,000 or $5,000 or $10,000 in savings bonds and other Treasury securities,” Mr. Zeck said.

The Treasury installed a completely automated electronic auction system in April 2008, just in time for the surge in borrowing.

“From an operational standpoint,” Mr. Zeck said, “it’s just about as easy to sell $30 billion as $20 billion” of government securities.

Federal officials have been pleasantly surprised to see the demand for Treasury securities keep pace with the growing supply. Invariably, they get “coverage,” meaning that the bids exceed the amount of securities being offered — a great relief to federal money managers. When the government auctioned $32 billion of four-week Treasury bills last week, the bids totaled $114 billion.

Foreign investors have generally shown a strong appetite for federal debt. China, the largest foreign holder of Treasury securities, sent a chill through credit markets in March when its prime minister said he was “a little bit worried” about China’s investments in the United States. The Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, quickly assured the Chinese that their assets were “very safe” here.

The federal government enjoys economies of scale, and it is borrowing on a scale never seen before, so the cost per auction has gone down slightly. The cost of running a Treasury auction — an average of $237,636 per auction — is tiny compared with the amounts borrowed. The cost includes safety precautions to make sure auctions are not disrupted by power failures, terrorism, cyberattacks, natural disasters or pandemic illness.

Meredith Whitney Predicts More Than 300 Bank Failures (Update2)
By Lynn Thomasson and Margaret Brennan

Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Meredith Whitney, the analyst who predicted that Citigroup Inc. would cut its dividend last year, said the number of U.S. bank failures will quadruple as lenders struggle with bad loans.

“There will be over 300 bank closures,” Whitney said in an interview with Bloomberg Television from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. “The small-business owner on Main Street continues to see liquidity come away.”

Unemployment has risen to the highest since the early 1980s and Americans are falling behind on mortgage payments at a record pace, forcing regulators to seize 81 lenders in 2009, the most in 17 years. Ebank of Atlanta was closed today for being “critically undercapitalized,” the Office of Thrift Supervision said. Colonial BancGroup Inc. was shut Aug. 14 and taken over by BB&T Corp. in the biggest failure since Washington Mutual Inc. collapsed in 2008.

The FDIC plans to ease rules to allow private-equity investors to acquire insolvent banks, the New York Times reported today, citing unidentified people briefed on the situation. The move would help reduce the number of failed banks the FDIC needs to support as their number increases, the newspaper said.

Whitney said that even though the panic of the financial crisis has passed, investors have been “overzealous” in estimating bank profits for the next few years. Analysts polled by Bloomberg project earnings for the industry will surge more than ninefold this year and 57 percent in 2010 as lenders recover from the worst crisis since the Great Depression.

“Many banks may be OK for while, but the real driver for the economy, which is consumer spending, I don’t expect that to come back anytime soon,” she said.

Financial companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index have collectively rallied 140 percent in the past five months after falling to the lowest level since 1992.


Arrest Over Software Illuminates Wall St.'s Dirty, Big Secret

Flying home to New Jersey from Chicago after the first two days at his new job, Sergey Aleynikov was prepared for the usual inconveniences: a bumpy ride, a late arrival.

He was not expecting Special Agent Michael G. McSwain of the F.B.I.

At 9:20 p.m. on July 3, Mr. McSwain arrested Mr. Aleynikov, 39, at Newark Liberty Airport, accusing him of stealing software code from Goldman Sachs, his old employer. At a bail hearing three days later, a federal prosecutor asked that Mr. Aleynikov be held without bond because the code could be used to “unfairly manipulate” stock prices.

This case is still in its earliest stages, and some lawyers question whether Mr. Aleynikov should be prosecuted criminally, or whether a civil suit may be more appropriate. But the charges, along with civil cases in Chicago and New York involving other Wall Street firms, offer a glimpse into the turbulent world of ultrafast computerized stock trading.

Little understood outside the securities industry, the business has suddenly become one of the most competitive and controversial on Wall Street. At its heart are computer programs that take years to develop and are treated as closely guarded secrets.

Mr. Aleynikov, who is free on $750,000 bond, is suspected of having taken pieces of Goldman software that enables the buying and selling of shares in milliseconds. Banks and hedge funds use such programs to profit from tiny price discrepancies among markets and in some instances leap in front of bigger orders.

Defenders of the programs say they make trading more efficient. Critics say they are little more than a tax on long-term investors and can even worsen market swings.

But no one disputes that high-frequency trading is highly profitable. The Tabb Group, a financial markets research firm, estimates that the programs will make $8 billion this year for Wall Street firms. Bernard S. Donefer, a distinguished lecturer at Baruch College and the former head of markets systems at Fidelity Investments, says profits are even higher.

“It is certainly growing,” said Larry Tabb, founder of the Tabb Group. “There’s more talent around, and the technology is getting cheaper.”

The profits have led to a gold rush, with hedge funds and investment banks dangling million-dollar salaries at software engineers. In one lawsuit, the Citadel Investment Group, a $12 billion hedge fund, revealed that it had paid tens of millions to two top programmers in the last seven years.

“A geek who writes code — those guys are now the valuable guys,” Mr. Donefer said.

The spate of lawsuits reflects the highly competitive nature of ultrafast trading, which is evolving quickly, largely because of broader changes in stock trading, securities industry experts say.

Until the late 1990s, big investors bought and sold large blocks of shares through securities firms like Morgan Stanley. But in the last decade, the profits from making big trades have vanished, so investment banks have become reluctant to take such risks.

Today, big investors divide large orders into smaller trades and parcel them to many exchanges, where traders compete to make a penny or two a share on each order. Ultrafast trading is an outgrowth of that strategy.

As Mr. Aleynikov and other programmers have discovered, investment banks do not take kindly to their leaving, especially if the banks believe that the programmers are taking code — the engine that drives trading — on their way out.

Mr. Aleynikov immigrated to the United States from Russia in 1991. In 1998, he joined IDT, a telecommunications company, where he wrote software to route calls and data more efficiently. In 2007, Goldman hired him as a vice president, paying him $400,000 a year, according to the federal complaint against him.

He lived in the central New Jersey suburbs with his wife and three young daughters. This year, the family moved to a $1.14 million mansion in North Caldwell, best known as Tony Soprano’s hometown.

This spring, Mr. Aleynikov quit Goldman to join Teza Technologies, a new trading firm, tripling his salary to about $1.2 million, according to the complaint. He left Goldman on June 5. In the days before he left, he transferred code to a server in Germany that offers free data hosting.

At Mr. Aleynikov’s bail hearing, Joseph Facciponti, the assistant United States attorney prosecuting the case, said that Goldman discovered the transfer in late June. On July 1, the company told the government about the suspected theft. Two days later, agents arrested Mr. Aleynikov at Newark.

After his arrest, Mr. Aleynikov was taken for interrogation to F.B.I. offices in Manhattan. Mr. Aleynikov waived his rights against self-incrimination, and agreed to allow agents to search his house.

He said that he had inadvertently downloaded a portion of Goldman’s proprietary code while trying to take files of open source software — programs that are not proprietary and can be used freely by anyone. He said he had not used the Goldman code at his new job or distributed it to anyone else, and the criminal complaint offers no evidence that he has. (edited for content)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh, how the mighty are falling...

"The nations have heard of your shame, and your cry has filled the land: for the mighty man has stumbled against the mighty, and they are fallen both together." Jer 46:12
"He that trusts in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch." Pro 11:28
"They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches...their way is their folly...Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them...For when he dies he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him." Ps 49:6-17
"For the love (lust) of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." I Tim 6:10

There is nothing inherently evil or wrong with having wealth. The problem is when the lust of our eyes and flesh erects these riches as our god. Remember, it's the love (lust) of riches, not the riches themselves. Wealth & riches are two of the most powerful tools in all history which turn us away from the true & living God. The stories of those whose lives have been ruined by their lust, of riches squandered & lost, outnumber the faithful lives with wealth 10000 to 1.
Ever since America exchanged the living God for money, wealth & Wall St. in the late 1960's, she has been toying with fire. While we enjoy the comfort & warmth of riches, off & on, for certain seasons, more often than not, many have been burned & scorched.
In her heart of hearts, America knows full well how & why we are in this awful governmental, economic, financial & spiritual mess. She just refuses to admit it to herself & Almighty God. "You will not come to me, that you might have life." Jn 5:40


Rise of the Super-rich Hits a Sobering Wall

John McAfee is auctioning off this property in New Mexico to pay bills. His worth has fallen to about $4 million from a peak of about $100 million.
(edited for content, click headline for full story)

The rich have been getting richer for so long that the trend has come to seem almost permanent...But economists say — and data is beginning to show — that a significant change may in fact be under way. The rich, as a group, are no longer getting richer. Over the last two years, they have become poorer. And many may not return to their old levels of wealth and income anytime soon.

Last year, the number of Americans with a net worth of at least $30 million dropped 24 percent, according to CapGemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Monthly income from stock dividends, which is concentrated among the affluent, has fallen more than 20 percent since last summer, the biggest such decline since the government began keeping records in 1959.

Bill Gates, Warren E. Buffett, the heirs to the Wal-Mart Stores fortune and the founders of Google each lost billions last year, according to Forbes magazine. In one stark example, John McAfee, an entrepreneur who founded the antivirus software company that bears his name, is now worth about $4 million, from a peak of more than $100 million. Mr. McAfee will soon auction off his last big property because he needs cash to pay his bills after having been caught off guard by the simultaneous crash in real estate and stocks.

“I had no clue,” he said, “that there would be this tandem collapse.”

In the three decades after World War II, when the incomes of the rich grew more slowly than those of the middle class, the top marginal rate ranged from 70 to 91 percent. Mr. Piketty, one of the economists who analyzed the I.R.S. data, argues that these high rates did not affect merely post-tax income. They also helped hold down the pretax incomes of the wealthy, he says, by giving them less incentive to make many millions of dollars.

Since 1980, tax rates on the affluent have fallen more than rates on any other group; this year, the top marginal rate is 35 percent. President Obama has proposed raising it to 39 percent and has said he would consider a surtax on families making more than $1 million a year, which could push the top rate above 40 percent.

What any policy changes will mean for the nonwealthy remains unclear. There have certainly been periods when the rich, the middle class and the poor all have done well (like the late 1990s), as well as periods when all have done poorly (like the last year). For much of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, both the middle class and the wealthy received raises that outpaced inflation.

Yet there is also a reason to think that the incomes of the wealthy could potentially have a bigger impact on others than in the past: as a share of the economy, they are vastly larger than they once were.

In 2007, the top one ten-thousandth of households took home 6 percent of the nation’s income, up from 0.9 percent in 1977. It was the highest such level since at least 1913, the first year for which the I.R.S. has data.

The top 1 percent of earners took home 23.5 percent of income, up from 9 percent three decades earlier.

The Grand Illusion: Any stock, bond & real estate rally all just speculation, not reality

Commercial Real Estate next Achilles' Heel for Banks
Hotel Foreclosures Now RampantJust when you thought the worst was over for real estate, new foreclosures are checking in: those among hotel properties. Stacey Delo reports

Toxic Loans Pushing More Banks Over the Edge

Property Taxes Aiding & Abetting Foreclosures

Mortgage Delinquencies Hit New Record

When the Godly Govern

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The UnGodliness of Government

In all my studies of history, which includes scrutinizing the rise & fall of nations, empires & civilizations, one commonality stands out as a putrefying sore no matter which governing form exists or existed. The tyranny of taxation as a means of social control, as well as fattening the coffers of the ruling elite, always brings destitution upon the backs of the working class. Kings, czars, presidents, tyrants, parliaments, congresses, democracy, socialism, fascism, Nazism, all forms develop a system of taxation as a means of social control. And, everyone of them fail due to the greed & self-centeredness of un-Godly & unrighteous rulers. Whether elected or self-appointed, the appetite of un-Godly governments are never satisfied, ever demanding more & more from their subjects. And, when the internal supply is exhausted and tapped dry, they set their sights on conquest, unless they are too weak and become targets of conquest themselves.
America is rapidly becoming such a weak target. While boasting of its external shell of military & technological strength, her interior heart & soul is being eaten up within. As the cancer of un-Godliness erupts & multiplies, the symptoms emerge varied & widespread. One such marked symptom is the ever-increasing intrusion & oppression of government upon its citizens through taxation. Whereas, in a representative democracy or democratic republic, taxation should be a concentric tool used by majority consent of the governed to promote and accomplish the common welfare through the governing body. The downfall of democracy arises when taxation is no longer a tool of, by & for the people, but a weapon of manipulation, control & subjugation against the people.
America has been the one great social experiment in history whereby the governed was also the governing. It is failing. The government is no longer subject to the will of the people at large. It has become the will of the rich, the powerful, and the politically connected. Whereas, our forefathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution affirming that all are created equal under YHWH God and His providence, America no longer ascribes to this affirmation. It was under this premise, that as God rules in our hearts, we will govern ourselves accordingly. Our 2nd President John Adams said it best, "Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." Oct. 11, 1798. He knew this in less than 25 years from its writing. His cousin, Samuel Adams, knew it as well, "If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being (YHWH God) and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation." Nov 27, 1780.
Those Adams boys really had it goin' on...!!! Their families came from a line of Bible-based Puritans. Samuel was also a founder of the Sons of Liberty, was involved in the Boston Tea Party, and a tax collector who became anti-tax!!! Sounds like a Matthew! For Patrick Henry, it was the same as well. It wasn't just, "Give me liberty, or give me death!", it was also, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles." No religious pacifists here!!!
Thus, we have proved them absolutely correct over the last century, and accelerating into this one...if we last that long.
"Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy." Ps 107:2
If the redeemed in America do not stand up against the enemy, the evil, the wickedness, the tyranny, growing & spreading across this nation
and its entrenchment in our governments, then we will & can only bow to it...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pray for Iranian Believers...We will see this here in our lifetime

We have it so blessed here in America, but remember & pray for these who don't have the same liberty:

Christian women arrested in Iran

Friday, April 3, 2009, 9:13 (BST)

Iranian security forces have arrested two women for practicing Christianity. According to persecution watchdog International Christian Concern (ICC), Marzieh Amairizadeh and Maryam Rustampoor were accused of being “anti-government activists”.

The Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) reported that Iranian security forces searched an apartment shared by the two women, confiscated their belongings and took them in handcuffs to a Tehran police station.

The women were then brought before the Revolutionary Court before being sent to the notorious Evin prison. The women were told that to be released they needed to pay a bail of $400,000.

FCNN reported, “Both women are allowed just a one minute telephone call every day to their immediate families. Both are unwell and in need of urgent medical attention. During their last call on March 28 Marzieh said that she was suffering from an infection and high fever. She said ‘I am dying’”.

ICC claim that persecution in Iran has intensified in recent years due to an increase in Muslims converting to Christianity. Last year 50 Christians were arrested for their faith. There have also been reports that some Christians have died following torture by the Iranian government.

Jonathan Racho, ICC Regional Manager for Africa, said, “Iran’s persecution of Christian minorities violates the fundamental freedom of its citizens to worship freely. The international community has obligations to speak up for the rights of the persecuted Iranian Christians. We call upon Iranian officials to stop mistreating Marzieh and Maryam and release them from prison.”


Two Iranian Women Arrested for Converting to Christianity

Posted GMT 8-11-2009 19:53:13
Assyrian International News Agency
In a dramatic session before the revolutionary court this past weekend, documented by Elam Ministries, Maryam Rustampoor (27) and Marzieh Amirizadeh (30) were told to recant their faith in Christ. Though great pressure was put on them, both women have refused to give in. Maryam and Marzieh were originally arrested on March 5, 2009 and have suffered greatly while in prison, suffering ill health, solitary confinement and interrogations for many hours while blindfolded. In a dramatic court room, the deputy prosecutor, Mr. Haddad, questioned Maryam and Marzieh about their faith and told them that they had to recant in both verbal and written form. They responded, "We will not deny our faith."

As the questioning continued, Maryam and Marzieh made reference to their belief that God had convicted them through the Holy Spirit.

Mr. Haddad told them, "It is impossible for God to speak with humans." Marzieh asked him in return, "Are you questioning whether God is Almighty?" Mr. Haddad then replied, "You are not worthy for God to speak to you." Marzieh said, "It is God, and not you, who determines if I am worthy."

In the eyes of the court, Maryam and Marzieh's only crime was their conversion to Christianity, but these young women have stayed strong and clung to their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are now in prison awaiting their verdict.

Although the Iranian Parliament has not yet passed a threatened new apostacy bill, over the last 20 years Iran has punished many converts to Christianity through torture, imprisonment, and extrajudicial killings. Please pray for these courageous women of God.

By Ann Buwalda
Jubilee Campaign USA

___________Previous Incident___________

Iran releases two Christians held on apostasy charges

by Jennifer Gold
Posted: Friday, October 3, 2008, 8:29 (BST)

Iranian officials have released two Christian converts who were being held in prison on apostasy charges, one week after the Iranian Government voted overwhelmingly in favour of new legislation to introduce the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Muslim faith.

Mahmoud Mohammed Matin-Azad, 53, and Arash Ahmad-Ali Basirat, 40, were arrested in May and charged with apostasy following their conversion to Christianity from Islam.

Andy Dipper, head of Christian persecution watchdog Release International, gave a cautious welcome to news of their release.

"We're delighted Iran has dropped its charges against these men but existence is about to become even tougher for other Iranians seeking freedom of faith."

Their release follows a statement from the EU last week, in which it urged the Iranian Government to reconsider the debate on the draft bill on apostasy and pressed for the release of people imprisoned because of their religious affiliation.

Release said that strained relations with the US have made the situation even more precarious for Christians in Iran, where they make up less than one per cent of the mainly Muslim population.

Christians in Iran are often suspected of being spies for the US or Israel, and Release and other groups working with the persecuted church believe that hundreds of Christians from Muslim backgrounds have been arrested since the Iranian revolution.

There have been a number of Christians arrested because of their faith in recent months, including Ramtin Soodmand, whose father Pastor Hossein Soodmand was hanged in 1990 for converting to Christianity from Islam. Shahin Zanboori was reportedly arrested as he shared his faith and tortured by police officers whilst under interrogation. He is expected to be charged with spying.

According to Release, two Christians died in July after being badly beaten during a police raid and that at least six Protestant pastors have been killed since 1990.

Release has launched an appeal to help support Iranian believers.

"Release is giving financial support to church leaders who've lost their jobs, running training conferences, providing outreach materials, and is helping a special ministry to women, who are hugely disadvantaged in Iranian society," said Dipper.

"We need to do more, so we've launched the Iranian appeal. Please help us to help our brothers and sisters in Iran and to stand with them in this time of trial."

Barnabas Fund, another group working with the persecuted church, echoed Release's concerns.

"The provisional approval of this bill has serious implications for Iranian Christian converts, who already face much persecution from the authorities," said Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund.

"It seems that the Iranian government is willing to continue on its course of complete Islamisation at the expense of the most basic human rights and in contradiction to Article 23 of the Iranian constitution. The Iranian Church needs our prayers more than ever."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are We Idiots, or Just Love Being Lied to?

I have to hang my head in shame at our current president, and had heretofore thought Bill Clinton to be the politico-master of double-speak. But, Bill could only do it in succession, while Obama can lie out of both sides of his mouth simultaneously. I cannot remember in all my adult years to having our nation's leader caught red-handed making so many recorded contradictions in his own policies. And, no one takes him to task in the media or in the Washington power structure.
What kind of nation do we have here, now???

Obama Lies About Single Payer, Universal Health Care, Twice

Obama reverses campaign position against dividing Jerusalem

"Anti-Israel" Adviser Top Pick as Syrian Ambassador?

Fed Declares Recession Over

Foreclosures Rise 7% in July

Unemployed, Under-employed & System Fallouts Now Total 30Million
Great Depression: 50Mil Workforce/13Mil Unemployed, ~25%; Great Recession: 150Mil Workforce/30Mil UE, UrE, SFs, ~20%. Do percentages tell the whole story?

Retail Sales Fall in July, Despite Cash for Clunkers

Cash for Clunkers: More Auto Bailout, More Consumer Debt, More Economic Distress
What happens when these new car owners lose their jobs and can't make the payments?

I don't know which is worse; being constantly lied to and believing it, or being wholly oblivious to the truth and denying it...

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (the truth); but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers (pastors, politicians, leaders, judges,etc) having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables (myths & lies)." II Tim 4:3-4

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News You May Have Missed...or What the He??

Again, as usual, our illustrious federal government makes the all-too-true bad news sound like good things are happening. One month of "not as bad as last month report on unemployment & housing prices", and the "Recession is over, we may have hit bottom". "Break out the champagne, it's time to celebrate!"
America, we ain't seen nothin' yet...if anything, we're only in the eye of the storm, and the worst of its backside is yet to come. We have yet to see the bottom on the consumer side in foreclosures & unemployment, while the business side of banks, commercial real estate foreclosures & bankruptcies are still building momentum. Still on the horizon, the collapse of the federal bond & treasury markets are waiting in the wings. Seen the dollar, lately??? The dollar is falling precipitously against all major world currencies, while gold is still being artificially depressed to stave off the dumping of dollars.
I've had three family friends, and a son, lose their jobs in the last two weeks. How 'bout you?? If you haven't figured out by now that something has gone dreadfully wrong in this nation, then you're living in a fantasy world. May our Good Lord open your heart & eyes.
America is in desperate need of the RPF antidote; Repentance, Prayer & Faith. No government elixir or potion will fix these ills. Their measures are akin to putting a band-aid on a cannon-hole. The roller-coaster has merely hit a less chaotic piece or track, so catch your breath, the rest of the ride is the really scary part...


Geithner Asks Congress to Increase Federal Debt Limit
Current $12.1Trillion Ceiling Will be Busted by Mid-October

Deficit grew by $181 billion in July

Obama Voters: "We've been Punked"

Georgia Banks Top Texas Ratio for Bankruptcy: 49 on List of 400

Personal Bankruptcy Filings Soar
Home Foreclosures Still Out of Control

White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost with Pharmaceutical Cos

Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Ultimate GrandMaster of Universal Chess

Terry took the Facebook What is God's gift in you? quiz and the result is A PROPHET

Your destiny is a prophet. A prophecy can come as a dream, by painstaking writing, as an inner impression, a visualization, or vision, even take off from an earlier passage of Scripture. The prophet gives the message a literary or oratory shape, but the prophet doesn't create the message itself. That comes from the One who spoke through the prophets ... ask God, it might be you !
Funny, I never consider myself as such, just a watchman, like Isaiah 21:6 says. Other friends who took the quiz were healers & prayer warriors. I merely declare what I see based upon God's Word, and making sense of the confusing puzzle of world events; earthly, political, social, & economic, etc.
I'm a pretty fair chess player, but I realized long ago, YHWH is the ultimate GrandMaster of universal chess. I never presume to know His thoughts, or outguess His moves toward our grand finale, but I do see the pieces & landscape taking shape, just as He states. Knowing the details is ever so illusive, no matter my nature & striving to understand & comprehend. Yet, once in awhile, He seems to give me powerful & overwhelming insight as to how it's coming together. Bible prophecy has always fascinated me, almost to the point of obsession, but again, I realize time in God's measure really is a day as a thousand years, even many days. The Old Covenant saints & prophets, Abraham, Yoseph, Moshe, David, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Micah and others were amazing & remarkable men in how YHWH chose & used them according to His purpose, not in their own strength & will. The prophecies of Our Lord Himself are most striking, and build upon what He already stated through those prophets by His Holy Spirit.
That all said, I cannot help but believe America is in her waning years as a world power. Nothing in God's Word or current events tells me otherwise. It may be 20, 30, 40, 50 more years before the final collapse, but implode she will. The biblical & historical records of man's sin & downfall of empires, nations & civilizations are indisputable. We're following the same path. We may colorize, politicize, & "spin" it differently, but the outcome is the same.
America & ancient Israel, under King David & his successors, are remarkably similar. We have known YHWH's blessings, forgiveness & protection just as Israel did. Yet, also like Israel, we are facing His judgment as we ignore & blaspheme Him, and fall deeper & deeper into spiritual idolatry and adultery. There are spiritual laws of cause & effect, just like the physical laws of cause & effect.
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." Ultimately, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Gal 6:7, Ps 9:17
Regardless of however God chooses to mold, make & use me, I will serve gladly. Like David, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Ps 84:10
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, August 7, 2009

No Earthly Place to Run

If your city or town is anything like mine, Atlanta, the morning, noon & nightly news is nothing but crime reports. From top to bottom, wealthy to poor, educated to illiterate, the perpetrators know no social or economic bounds. Burglaries, home invasions, car-jackings, land-frauds, bribery, influence-peddling, embezzlement, every illegal, immoral & unethical behavior & action seems to be overtaking our nation.
The popular philosophy of this age is that we can "educate" this moral & spiritual "devolution" out of any person's behavior & thinking. If we only provide better schools, teachers & resources to our children, then they will grow up to be model citizens...if this paradigm hasn't worked in over two generations (nearly 50 years), and the results are more evident each day, what in the world makes one think it will suddenly change tomorrow?????
In a nutshell, the atheistic, liberal, socialistic, & amoral philosophies & teachings of the last half of the 20th Century have been bearing fruit in America in ways we never imagined. All the past graduates of these schools of thought are now the politicians, bankers, teachers, lawyers, judges, movie stars, AND pastors across our land today. They are also your neighbor, your co-worker, your grocer, everyone you cross paths with daily. Most strikingly, they are also the person in the mirror you face each morning...You.
Sadly, the multitudes, and us individually, have no clue we were even brainwashed. We felt no pain, there was no torture, we accepted it blindly in our homes, our schools & colleges, our workplaces, our governments, and our churches & seminaries. No place we went left us unscathed, or not subtly encouraged to embrace these "free-thinking" lifestyles. And now, this is where it has brought us a nation of confused, directionless, self-serving leaders & followers. The blind leading the blind.
For those blessed to be freed from this bondage, and it is bondage, blessed to be released from this "Matrix" of the world system, blessed to walk from darkness into light, it is often amazing to comprehend the stark realization of being lied to about nearly everything. While foundational moral, spiritual & ethical principles are espoused, their true origin and ultimate conclusion are doubted, obscured, re-characterized, and redirected. What if everything you believed or thought you knew was a LIE????? What if all the bases of science, history, government, economics, social development & obligation, personal rights & responsibilities you have been taught, learned & embraced are nothing but lies at their core??? The simple answer to the matter is if any of these are not founded & built upon the truth of the Word of YHWH GOD, then they are lies built upon lies. In other words, if you leave God out of the equation, the solution fails.
For instance, as a life-long student of science & technology, I often use the reference of Galileo & Isaiah. In 700BC, Isaiah 40:22 stated,"It is He (YHWH God) that sits on the circle (or, orb) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; He stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in." Yet, in 1633AD, Galileo was tried for heresy against the Roman church and the science of the day. What this tells me is that science, religion and a church of that time were all wrong, but God is right & true from the beginning. If they (we) had believed God from the start, imagine how much further ahead earth exploration & science would be over the last 2700 years!!!! Furthermore, Galileo would have never been put on trial!! Scripture abounds in such scientific & historical, as well as spiritual, moral & ethical, facts, but few are they that glean the truth from its pages...
Over 4000 years ago, both Genesis 9:4 and Levitcus 17:11 state,"For the life of the flesh is in the blood." Yet for succeeding centuries, healers drained the blood out of people thinking this would allow illnesses to flow out. Later, doctors discovered the deathly folly of this practice, and that the exact opposite was the answer in many cases. Thus, perhaps unwittingly, they proved God's Word true again.
Europe was in its "Dark Ages" (6-14 centuries AD, over 800 yrs), due mainly in part to the shutting up of the Scriptures by the Roman church. No scientific, cultural, social or artistic
advances were made until the invention of the printing press by Johaness Gutenberg in 1452. And guess what the first book printed was??? The first mass produced printed book was the German Gutenberg Bible, based on the Latin edition from 380AD. People changed, lives changed, thinking changed as God's Word disseminated & embedded into their hearts & minds. Europe exploded in its Reformation. It was born anew.
A "Dark Age" has also taken over America, beginning over 40 years ago. The Scriptures & prayer in Jesus' name have also been shut up across our nation. The Bible is now ridiculed, blasphemed, misquoted, misunderstood, and belittled, as well as Christ Himself. Our governments, schools & businesses, even some churches, shun His Gospel, His instruction, His pardon and redemption. All "religions" are now deemed equal, any way & every way is a path to God. Men, women & children are left to their own imaginations to formulate their own morality, ethics, spirituality & righteousness. Is it any wonder our land is in such spiritual darkness, that men's hearts & minds are blackened with evil, corruption, malice and murder? And, each successive generation will be worse than the last...
My parting words for today's blog is to stand with the saints of old, and declare the eternal truth of all ages; "There is no God but YHWH (Yashua, Jesus), He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO man comes to the Father but by Him. There is no other name under Heaven given, whereby we MUST be saved (redeemed, made right with Him)!" Jer 10:10, Dan 2:28, Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12