Monday, August 10, 2009

The Ultimate GrandMaster of Universal Chess

Terry took the Facebook What is God's gift in you? quiz and the result is A PROPHET

Your destiny is a prophet. A prophecy can come as a dream, by painstaking writing, as an inner impression, a visualization, or vision, even take off from an earlier passage of Scripture. The prophet gives the message a literary or oratory shape, but the prophet doesn't create the message itself. That comes from the One who spoke through the prophets ... ask God, it might be you !
Funny, I never consider myself as such, just a watchman, like Isaiah 21:6 says. Other friends who took the quiz were healers & prayer warriors. I merely declare what I see based upon God's Word, and making sense of the confusing puzzle of world events; earthly, political, social, & economic, etc.
I'm a pretty fair chess player, but I realized long ago, YHWH is the ultimate GrandMaster of universal chess. I never presume to know His thoughts, or outguess His moves toward our grand finale, but I do see the pieces & landscape taking shape, just as He states. Knowing the details is ever so illusive, no matter my nature & striving to understand & comprehend. Yet, once in awhile, He seems to give me powerful & overwhelming insight as to how it's coming together. Bible prophecy has always fascinated me, almost to the point of obsession, but again, I realize time in God's measure really is a day as a thousand years, even many days. The Old Covenant saints & prophets, Abraham, Yoseph, Moshe, David, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Micah and others were amazing & remarkable men in how YHWH chose & used them according to His purpose, not in their own strength & will. The prophecies of Our Lord Himself are most striking, and build upon what He already stated through those prophets by His Holy Spirit.
That all said, I cannot help but believe America is in her waning years as a world power. Nothing in God's Word or current events tells me otherwise. It may be 20, 30, 40, 50 more years before the final collapse, but implode she will. The biblical & historical records of man's sin & downfall of empires, nations & civilizations are indisputable. We're following the same path. We may colorize, politicize, & "spin" it differently, but the outcome is the same.
America & ancient Israel, under King David & his successors, are remarkably similar. We have known YHWH's blessings, forgiveness & protection just as Israel did. Yet, also like Israel, we are facing His judgment as we ignore & blaspheme Him, and fall deeper & deeper into spiritual idolatry and adultery. There are spiritual laws of cause & effect, just like the physical laws of cause & effect.
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." Ultimately, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Gal 6:7, Ps 9:17
Regardless of however God chooses to mold, make & use me, I will serve gladly. Like David, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Ps 84:10
Have a Blessed Day!

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