Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News You May Have Missed...or What the He??

Again, as usual, our illustrious federal government makes the all-too-true bad news sound like good things are happening. One month of "not as bad as last month report on unemployment & housing prices", and the "Recession is over, we may have hit bottom". "Break out the champagne, it's time to celebrate!"
America, we ain't seen nothin' yet...if anything, we're only in the eye of the storm, and the worst of its backside is yet to come. We have yet to see the bottom on the consumer side in foreclosures & unemployment, while the business side of banks, commercial real estate foreclosures & bankruptcies are still building momentum. Still on the horizon, the collapse of the federal bond & treasury markets are waiting in the wings. Seen the dollar, lately??? The dollar is falling precipitously against all major world currencies, while gold is still being artificially depressed to stave off the dumping of dollars.
I've had three family friends, and a son, lose their jobs in the last two weeks. How 'bout you?? If you haven't figured out by now that something has gone dreadfully wrong in this nation, then you're living in a fantasy world. May our Good Lord open your heart & eyes.
America is in desperate need of the RPF antidote; Repentance, Prayer & Faith. No government elixir or potion will fix these ills. Their measures are akin to putting a band-aid on a cannon-hole. The roller-coaster has merely hit a less chaotic piece or track, so catch your breath, the rest of the ride is the really scary part...


Geithner Asks Congress to Increase Federal Debt Limit
Current $12.1Trillion Ceiling Will be Busted by Mid-October

Deficit grew by $181 billion in July

Obama Voters: "We've been Punked"

Georgia Banks Top Texas Ratio for Bankruptcy: 49 on List of 400

Personal Bankruptcy Filings Soar
Home Foreclosures Still Out of Control

White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost with Pharmaceutical Cos

Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference

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