Friday, August 28, 2009

What are they smokin'???

Somewhere in these headlines there is a supposition this all is good news. Tell that to the nearly 30 million now unemployed, under-employed & those who've fallen off the charts. Tell this to the banks & their employees getting ready to lose their jobs, and to all the sub-contractor businesses who support them. 570,000 a month!? And this has been going on nearly a year...let's see, 8 X 500,000-600,000 a month, avg. 550,000, that's roughly 4.5Million this year alone!!! But we know how our government under-reports these figures...
Of course the numbers will lessen over time, idiots! There are fewer employed people left to lose their jobs!

FDIC: Troubled Banks Rise to 416, $Billions more at risk
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Thursday that the number of troubled banks rose to 416 at the end of June from 305 at the end of March. FDIC said this is the largest number of banks on its "problem list" since June 30, 1994, when 434 banks were on the list. Assets at troubled banks totaled $299.8 billion, the highest level since Dec. 31, 1993, the agency said. Banks insured by the FDIC swung to a total quarterly loss of $3.7 billion from last year when they reported a total profit of $4.8 billion. Total reserves of the Deposit Insurance Fund stood at $42 billion, with the contingent loss reserve falling to $10.4 billion from $13 billion over the second quarter. 

We're being told to have "faith" in the system. This is all part of the historical cycles we can count on...we'll come back stronger than ever. Someone deep inside me says America's "faith" is sorely misplaced. And, the facts certainly bear this out...

"If you declare with your mouth that Yashua (Jesus) is Lord (Almighty God & Savior), and believe in your heart that God (the Father) raised him from the dead, you will be saved...For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (Yashua, Jesus) will be saved." Rom 10:9,13
Salvation, redemption is an instantaneous and continual process...
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Yahushua the Messiah." Phil 1:6

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