Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are We Idiots, or Just Love Being Lied to?

I have to hang my head in shame at our current president, and had heretofore thought Bill Clinton to be the politico-master of double-speak. But, Bill could only do it in succession, while Obama can lie out of both sides of his mouth simultaneously. I cannot remember in all my adult years to having our nation's leader caught red-handed making so many recorded contradictions in his own policies. And, no one takes him to task in the media or in the Washington power structure.
What kind of nation do we have here, now???

Obama Lies About Single Payer, Universal Health Care, Twice

Obama reverses campaign position against dividing Jerusalem

"Anti-Israel" Adviser Top Pick as Syrian Ambassador?

Fed Declares Recession Over

Foreclosures Rise 7% in July

Unemployed, Under-employed & System Fallouts Now Total 30Million
Great Depression: 50Mil Workforce/13Mil Unemployed, ~25%; Great Recession: 150Mil Workforce/30Mil UE, UrE, SFs, ~20%. Do percentages tell the whole story?

Retail Sales Fall in July, Despite Cash for Clunkers

Cash for Clunkers: More Auto Bailout, More Consumer Debt, More Economic Distress
What happens when these new car owners lose their jobs and can't make the payments?

I don't know which is worse; being constantly lied to and believing it, or being wholly oblivious to the truth and denying it...

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (the truth); but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers (pastors, politicians, leaders, judges,etc) having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables (myths & lies)." II Tim 4:3-4

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