$4Billion Reclaimed, Where does it go?
This is where you really want to pause...who really profits, and who's cookin' the books? Let's see here:
Federal banking regulators are bracing for hundreds of small and medium-size banks to collapse in the coming months. Banks are burdened with billions of dollars of bad loans made over the last few years and are continuing to set aside more money to cover losses. In fact, credit loss rates reached a record high in the second quarter.
Over all, banks charged off $48.9 billion, or 2.55 percent of assets, nearly twice the levels the industry reported last year.
Do the math, that's pretty much a washout for the 2Q that doesn't even begin to cover the banks past & future losses.
FDIC Risks $80B in Loss Share Agreements (8/30/09)
Raft of Deals for Failed Banks Puts U.S. on Hook for Billions(WSJ)
Here's two accountings of what's really been going on...
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